The Anglican Church in Canada Fillers

Diocesan Press Service. October 1, 1962 [III-7B]

The Anglican Church in Canada was the second branch of the Anglican Communion to be established outside the British Isles.

The Anglican Church of Canada is the third largest Christian group in Canada with just over two million members or 15 out of every 100 Canadians according to the latest available census (1951). The Roman Church with six million members and the United Church of Canada with slightly less than three million are larger.

The Anglican Church in Canada will be host to the second Anglican Congress when it meets in Toronto in August 1963. The Congress program, built around the theme, "The Church's Mission to the World," will consider the challenges to the church of today's frontiers - religious, cultural and political.

"This is no time," says the Most Rev. Howard Hewlett Clark, Archbishop of Rupert's Land and Primate of All Canada, "for introspection, for dwelling on the privileges we share, but rather to find out what our Communion and fellowship can do in Christ's name and for Christ's sake in this twentieth century world."