Who Chooses the Ministry

Diocesan Press Service. November 8, 1963 [XV-6]

What kind of person chooses the ministry and why? For what kind of ministry is he being trained? Does his seminary education equip him to cope effectively with complex American culture?

These are the types of questions that will be explored Nov. 15-17 by 40 of the country's leading theological and secular educators, business administrators, and research experts at the University of Chicago's Center for Continuing Education.

They will be brought together by National Council's Division of Christian Ministries. Under the leadership of Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rodenmayer the division has just completed a year-long survey on theological education in an attempt to discover how it fits into contemporary American culture.

The two-day conference will open with dinner on Friday evening, at which the Rev. Dr. Joseph G. Moore, Strategic Advisory Officer to the Presiding Bishop, will be the keynote speaker.

Findings of the Christian Ministries survey will be disclosed on Saturday morning by Dr. and Mrs. Rodenmayer. Conference participants will spend the remainder of the day in group discussions. Their conclusions will be presented at the Saturday evening plenary session.

The following morning, the Rt. Rev. Stephen F. Bayne, Jr., Executive Officer of the Anglican Communion, will speak at an 8 a.m. service. The conference will end around noon when the Very Rev. John B. Coburn, D. D., Dean of the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass., will summarize its conclusions and implications for the church.