New York Publisher Co-Sponsors New York Layman's Lecture Series

Diocesan Press Service. December 10, 1965 [XXXVIII-4]

The Layman's School of Theology, organized by laymen in New York City, will be co- sponsored in its third year by the publishing firm of Charles Scribner's Sons.

Professor John Macquarrie will give five lectures on consecutive Thursday evenings from January 27 to February 24 at Calvary Episcopal Church, 21st Street and Park Avenue South. The title of his lecture series is "Jesus Christ--His Meaning for Us and His Claim Upon Us." The book issuing from the lectures is scheduled tentatively for publication in 1967.

The Layman's School of Theology had its original backing from Episcopal Churches in New York City, and is now supported by Manhattan Churches of several denominations. It has sponsored distinguished representatives and scholars of Anglican, Protestant, Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches, and is opened to all interested.

Dates and topics for Dr. Macquarrie's lectures are "The Jesus of History," January 27; "The Christ of Faith" on February 3; "True God and True Man" on February 10; "The Work of Christ, " February 17 and "Christ in the Present and Future," February 24.

John Macquarrie is Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. A native of Renfrew, Scotland, he graduated from Trinity College, Glasgow, in 1943 and received the M.A., Ph.D. and D. Litt. at Glasgow University. He was Lecturer in Systematic Theology at the University of Glasgow from 1953-62 and was Director of Lay Education at Trinity College from 1959-62. A Minister in the Church of Scotland, he joined the Anglican Communion in 1963, and was ordained to the Priesthood in June, 1965. He is co-translator of "Being and Time" by M. Heidigger, and is the author of "Twentieth Century Religious Thought, " now in its second printing, "Studies in Christian Existentialism, " and the forthcoming, "Principles of Christian Theology."

A single subscription to the five lecture series is $5. Those wishing to enroll in advance may write the Layman's School of Theology, Room 1816, 71 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. 10010. Checks should be made payable to the Layman's School of Theology. There will be no sale of individual tickets.