Resolution Number: 1976-B230
Title: Grant Extra-Provincial Status to the Diocese of Costa Rica
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred As Amended
Final Text:


  1. That, upon the expressed request of the Diocese of Costa Rica, as stated in this resolution, and in conformity with Title I, Canon 10, Section 3(e), and by concurrent action of the 65th General Convention, the status of an Extra-Provincial Diocese be granted to "La Iglesia Episcopal Costarricense";
  2. That in conformity with the expressed wishes of "La Iglesia Episcopal Costarricense" to further the autonomy of the IX Province and of its member Churches, and as an experimental process in conformity with the resolution adopted by the Synod to assist any member church seeking its autonomy, the Executive for World and Domestic Mission of the Executive Council of PECUSA, the Ninth Province be authorized to exercise, through its President and its House of Bishops, the Metropolitical Authority now exercised by PECUSA, over the diocese of Costa Rica, as an Extra-Provincial Diocese in accordance with the Resolution adopted by its Synod; such Metropolitical Authority as that designated for the Episcopal Church of Cuba, be established;

and be it further

Resolved, That the Resolution B-230 from the Diocese of Costa Rica requesting Extra-Provincial status be adopted granting such status to the Missionary Diocese of Costa Rica, and that the Metropolitical Authority over the Missionary Diocese of Costa Rica be transferred to the House of Bishops of the Ninth Province.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Minneapolis 1976 (New York: General Convention, 1977), p. C-140.

Legislative History

Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on World Mission

House of Bishops

On the sixth day, the Bishop of Alabama, Chairman of the Committee on World Mission, moved the adoption of the following Resolution (B-230 Amended):

Whereas, the Missionary Dioceses belonging to the Ninth Province are in a process of transition moving towards a new autonomous structure within the Anglican Communion;

Whereas, the stated policy of this Church is to assist any Missionary Diocese or group of Missionary Dioceses in the achievement of this goal (see Resolution adopted by the 1973 General Convention, page 197 of the Blue Book;

Whereas, the General Convention has already granted to the Synod of the Ninth Province specific Metropolitical functions in the election of Bishops upon request by any of the Missionary Dioceses in the Province, and in the authorization of experimental liturgical forms for its member dioceses;

Whereas, the Synod of the IX Province has adopted the following resolution: "we commit ourselves to assist each and every member Church desirous of her autonomy, exercising those metropolitical functions which upon request by such national Church, PECUSA or some other Church of the Communion may transfer to the Province or to one of its regions"; therefore be it

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, that this General Convention grant to the House of Bishops of the Ninth Province the right to exercise Metropolitical Authority over any Dioceses in the area, which having been accorded status as an Extra-Provincial Diocese under the provisions of Title I., Canon 10., Section 3(e), request such Metropolitical Authority. Be it further

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, that the Resolution B-230 from the Diocese of Costa Rica requesting Extra-Provincial status be adopted granting such status to the Missionary Diocese of Costa Rica, and that the Metropolitical Authority over the Missionary Diocese of Costa Rica be transferred to the House of Bishops of the Ninth Province.

The motion was seconded by the Bishop of Northwest Texas.

Resolution adopted

On the Sixth Day, the Bishop of Alabama, Chairman of the Committee on World Mission, moved the adoption of the following Resolution (B-230):

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

  1. That, upon the expressed request of the Diocese of Costa Rica, as stated in this resolution, and in conformity with Title I, Canon 10, Section 3(e), and by concurrent action of the 65th General Convention, the status of an Extra-Provincial Diocese be granted to "La Iglesia Episcopal Costarricense";
  2. That in conformity with the expressed wishes of "La Iglesia Episcopal Costarricense" to further the autonomy of the IX Province and of its member Churches, and as an experimental process in conformity with the resolution adopted by the Synod to assist any member church seeking its autonomy, the Executive for World and Domestic Mission of the Executive Council of PECUSA, the Ninth Province be authorized to exercise, through its President and its House of Bishops, the Metropolitical Authority now exercised by PECUSA, over the diocese of Costa Rica, as an Extra-Provincial Diocese in accordance with the Resolution adopted by its Synod; such Metropolitical Authority as that designated for the Episcopal Church of Cuba, be established.

The motion was seconded by the Bishop of Dallas.

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #92)

On the Sixth Day, the Bishop of Alabama, Chairman of the Committee on World Mission, moved the following:

Be it further resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, that the Resolution B-230 from the Diocese of Costa Rica requesting Extra-Provincial status be adopted granting such status to the Missionary Diocese of Costa Rica, and that the Metropolitical Authority over the Missionary Diocese of Costa Rica be transferred to the House of Bishops of the Ninth Province.

The motion was seconded by the Bishop of Northwest Texas.

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #103)

House of Deputies

On the Eleventh Day, the Secretary read Message #92 from the House of Bishops.

On the Eleventh Day, the Secretary read Message #103 from the House of Bishops.

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #134)

Abstract:   The 65th General Convention authorizes the Missionary Diocese of Costa Rica to be granted Extra-Provincial status and that it be transferred to the Ninth Province.

The legislative history of the resolution herein suggests that the House of Bishops communicated the second resolve separately to the House of Deputies due to some contingency that may have occurred during consideration of the motion. It has not been treated as a divided or separate resolution by this publication. See also Journal, 1976, p. B-82f.