Title: Support for Peace Process in Jerusalem
ID: EXC061995.12
Committee: Program (report 4)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Jun. 12-15, 1995, Bellevue, WA, p. 41.

Resolved, That the Executive Council, meeting in Seattle, Washington, June 12-15, 1995, make known its support for the Statement to President Clinton from Christian Leaders on March 6, 1995, entitled Jerusalem, City of Peace; and be it further

Resolved, That the Council affirm that any resolution of the question of Jerusalem respect equally the claims of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity to that holy City, resulting in a shared city; and be it further

Resolved, That the Council underscores prior General Convention resolutions which express concern that Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in violation of the Geneva Convention which prohibits the appropriation of land while under occupation, making more difficult negotiations for a resolution of Jerusalem in the peace process; and be it further

Resolved, That the Council support the visit of Episcopalians to the Holy Land and encourage members to join delegations being organized through the Episcopal Peace and Justice Network and the Middle East Council of Churches, Jerusalem to be carried out in 1996 and beyond; and be it further

Resolved, That the Council direct the copies of this resolution be sent to President Clinton and other appropriate parties.

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