Title: Response to the Proposed Pastoral Scheme
ID: EXC062007.20
Committee: Executive Council (report 12)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Jun. 14, 2007, Parsippany, NJ, pp. 14-15.

Resolved, That the Executive Council concurs with the House of Bishops Mind of the House Resolution of March 20, 2007 that “the proposed Pastoral Scheme of the Dar es Salaam Communiqué of February 19, 2007 would be injurious to The Episcopal Church;” and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council finds that the requests made of The Episcopal Church contained in the “Key Recommendations” of the Dar es Salaam Communiqué, are properly directed to the General Convention of The Episcopal Church; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council declines to participate in the proposed Pastoral Scheme and respectfully requests the Presiding Bishop to decline as well.

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