Title: Response to Arizona Statue and a Call for Federal Immigration Reform
ID: EXC062010.08
Committee: Advocacy and Networking (report 12)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Jun. 18, 2010, Linthicum Heights, MD, pp. 16-17.

Resolved, That the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, meeting in Linthicum Heights, Maryland, June 15-17, 2010, finds that the language, intent and enforcement of Arizona Statute SB 1070 poses a challenge to our fundamental Christian responsibility to respect the dignity of every human being and directs the Secretary of Executive Council to communicate this resolution to the Governor of Arizona, the majority leaders of their legislative houses and the congressional delegation from Arizona; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church calls upon the Federal Government (GC 2006-A017, GC 2009-B006; attached) to move swiftly and urgently to enact comprehensive immigration reform that safeguards family unity, provides a reasonable pathway to legal residency, enforces labor rights for all workers, provides for due process and humanitarian treatment in all immigration proceedings and detention, and calls for proportional and humane enforcement of national borders and immigration law.

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