Title: Ecumenical Objectives for the General Church Program Budget
ID: EXC091978.02
Committee: National and World Mission (report 1, IIa)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Sep. 15-17, 1978, Greenwich, CT, pp. 6-9, 11.

Resolved, That the ecumenical objectives of the general church program budget for the next triennium be the following, with the understanding that they are subject to further editing:

  • A. To participate and lead in the ecumenical movement of the churches with primary emphasis on support for diocesan and local ecumenism, and on support for national and world ecumenical structures to enable conversation, planning and communication among the Churches nationally and world families of Churches internationally, (Explanation: The local church is not merely an incomplete or subsidiary part of the universal Church, but is the fullness of the Church made present in a particular place. The local church is therefore the primary subject and object of ecumenical work. Our aim is to stimulate local and diocesan movement. National and world ecumenical structures can be resource centers and advocates of local ecumenism. National ecumenical structures should shift from staffing program activities to ecumenizing the Churches. It is an implication of the Lund Principle that ecumenical structures should enable work "among" the Churches rather than exclusively "in" councils of churches.


    1. Promoting local ecumenism through support of national meetings of the Episcopal Diocesan Ecumenical Officers and promoting funding of programs of national and world ecumenical structures when they have a bearing on the dioceses and their parishes.
    2. Participating in and funding world and national ecumenical structures of modest size for communication, consultation, and planning among the Churches.
    3. Funding specific ecumenical programs when they are consistent with Episcopal Church mission, education, and social goals and objectives.
    4. Maintaining and strengthening theological dialogue nationally and internationally with the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Lutheran Churches, and the Consultation on Church Union nationally, through staff service to the Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations and projects of the Anglican Consultative Council, to develop ecumenical policy and strategy. (The Church participates in international bilateral dialogues and linkage with other world families of Churches through the Anglican Consultative Council, and Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations nationally. Because of the special relationship between the two countries and particularly the two Churches, the Episcopal Church and the Russian Orthodox Church maintain a bilateral dialogue.)
    5. Developing locally, regionally, nationally, networks for pastoral and practical collaboration with other Churches, particularly the Roman Catholic Church. (The National Council of Churches and Consultation on Church Union are significant networks for involvement with a particular group of Churches, but our involvement extends to other Churches. The large network of theological conversations, primarily with the Roman Catholic Church, prepares the way for greater partnership, calling for increased linkage through task forces, linkage committees, diocesan and parish covenants, etc. See the 12-Year Report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Consultation. The key is friendly relations between leaders in the Churches as a prelude to problem solving. Ecumenical officers can facilitate collaboration between networks of Churches for hunger, etc.)
    6. Developing resources and processes involving laity in ecumenical education and action, to include the spiritual dimensions of ecumenism.
    7. Participating in the U.S. Conference for the World Council of Churches involving Churches of the North American region. (Leaders of the Episcopal Church could benefit from relations with those of other North American Churches -- U.S., Canada, Caribbean -- around world agenda through a renewed U.S. Conference.)
    8. Communicating ecumenical thought and action throughout the Church.

  • B. To express the relationship of full communion among Churches of the Wider Episcopal Fellowship through partnership in mission and conciliar links (Anglican Churches, Old Catholic Churches, Polish National Catholic Church, Philippine Independent Church, Mar Thoma Church, United Churches of South India, North India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh). (Expression of eucharistic fellowship through partnership in mission and conciliar relationship lags. In the period ahead, we can learn from the experience of fulfilling the concordat model of visible unity.)


    1. Joint planning with non-Anglican Churches of this larger Episcopal unity.
      • a. Exploring avenues of partnership with the Old Catholic Churches in Europe.
      • b. Initiating partnership through the Inter-communion Commission with the Polish National Church. (If communion is restored.)
      • c. Continuing collaboration with the Philippine Independent Church through the Joint Council PIC/PEC.
      • d. Relating to the Mar Thoma Church and the United Churches of India and their joint council.
    2. Grants for estimated program and personnel needs to the Joint Council of PIC/PEC and other Churches.
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