Title: Appointment of a Task Force on Reconciliation
ID: EXC102008.29
Committee: National Concerns (report 42)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Oct. 23, 2008, Helena, MT, p. 25.

Resolved, That the Executive Council, on behalf of The Episcopal Church, expresses the heartfelt desire to seek the reconciliation we are promised in Christ our Savior, and the unity of disciples for which he prayed, through conversation with the members of the Common Cause Partnership either individually or collectively and without precondition on our part; and be it further

Resolved, That the Presiding Officers are requested to appoint a Task Force on Reconciliation for this purpose; and be it further

Resolved, That the Task Force on Reconciliation is encouraged to seek a person acceptable to all parties to facilitate such conversations in consultation with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Secretary General of the Anglican Consultative Council.

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