Title: Affirmation of Jubilee Centers
ID: EXC102009.20
Committee: Executive Council (report 3)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Oct. 8, 2009, Memphis, TN, pp. 25-27.

[Resolved, That the Executive Council confirm the following Jubilee Centers:]

New Affirmations:

1. Casa San Miguel of St. Michael and All Angels, Albuquerque, NM, Diocese of the Rio Grande

2. Community Health Ministry, Wamego, KS, Diocese of Kansas

3. Grace Episcopal Cathedral, Topeka, KS, Diocese of Kansas

4. Grace’s Grocery at Grace Episcopal Church, Liberty, MO, Diocese of West Missouri

5. Interfaith Cooperative Ministries, Phoenix, AZ, Diocese of Arizona

6. Office of Immigration & Social Justice Ministries, Miami, FL, Diocese of Southeast Florida

7. St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, Olathe, KS, Diocese of Kansas

8. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Manhattan, KS, Diocese of Kansas

9. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Norfolk, VA, Diocese of Southern Virginia

10. St. Raphael Episcopal Church Food Pantry, Colorado Springs, CO, Diocese of Colorado

11. St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Sioux City, IA, Diocese of Iowa

12. St. Elizabeth’s Outreach Committee of St. Luke’s, Mount Joy, PA, Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

13. Trinity Episcopal and Faith Lutheran Jubilee Center, One Stop Help Center, Lander, WY, Diocese of Wyoming

14. Trinity Episcopal and Faith Lutheran Jubilee Center, Lander Care and Share Food Bank, Lander, WY, Diocese of Wyoming

15. Trinity Interfaith Food Pantry, Lawrence, KS, Diocese of Kansas


1. All Saint’s Episcopal Church (Babies in Need), Vancouver, WA, Diocese of Olympia

2. The Church of the Ascension, Lexington Park, MD, Diocese of Washington

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