Title: Courtesy Resolutions
ID: EXC111993.30
Committee: Courtesy
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Nov. 15-19, 1993, Hartford, CT, pp. 56-58.

Resolved, That this Executive Council pledge its continued support to the Presiding Bishop as we, together with him, move through the open door into the future as we face the wind of renewed vision in the Spirit; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council express its respect and appreciation to Dr. Pamela Chinnis, President of the House of Deputies and Vice-Chair of the Executive Council, for her commitment to bring "all sorts and conditions" of people into the governance of the Episcopal Church; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council extend its prayers and best wishes to the Rev. Wayne Schwab upon his retirement after 18 years of service in the area of Evangelism, and under two Presiding Bishops; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council extend its prayerful best wishes to the Rt. Rev. Clarence Coleridge and the Diocese of Connecticut for the Evensong at the Cathedral, the programs illustrating the diverse works of the diocese, and the West Indian dinner; and be it further

Resolved, That this Executive Council recognize the forty-second wedding anniversary of Harold and Bill, recognizing their devotion to each other in this special covenanted relationship as life-partners; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council congratulate the Council of Women's Ministries on the 10th Anniversary of its founding, which has brought together over 40 diverse groups sensitive to women's needs. (This anniversary takes place at their meeting in Burlingame, California, December 1-5.); and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council pledge its continued support to the Council of Women's Ministries efforts in this area; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council commend Ann Smith for her vision of the Council of Women's Ministries and her ongoing efforts to educate and implement programs and processes that assure women are equal and integral in the life of the Episcopal Church and the wider communion of faith; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council express its best wishes to the Rev. Canon Roswell Moore, recently awarded a Doctoral degree from CDSP; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council express its prayers and best wishes to the Rev. Randy Dales upon his recent engagement; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council express its best wishes to the Rev. Preston Kelsey, recently awarded a Doctoral degree from CDSP; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council congratulate Mr. Peter Ng upon his election as National Convener of Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council, by this resolution, express its support and prayers to the family of the Rev. Robert Bonnet, who died recently after a valiant battle with brain cancer; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council express its delight in the election of the Very Rev. Michael Ingham to be Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster in the Anglican Church of Canada and assure Michael of its support for him as he responds to this new call; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council express its gratitude and prayers for the witness and presence of the Youth and Young Adults during this meeting: George Downey, Rob Dworkin, Thais Gordon, Antonion Gonzalez, and Kate Mayer; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council express its thanks to the Canadian Partners, Diane Maybee and Peter Elliott, for their insight and good will, their partnership with us and their willingness to be a total part of this Council.

Resolved, That the Executive Council express it sincere thanks to the Church Center staff for the work and preparation and assistance in planning this meeting.

Resolved, That the Executive Council commend Mr. George Rea for the years of service on the Council, and extend our best wishes to him and his wife for a blessed retirement.

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