The Living Church

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The Living ChurchFebruary 26, 1995Too Simplistic by JAMES M. GILMORE 210(9) p. 4-5

Enough already! It was bad enough when as Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Edmond L. Browning, called on his fellow churchman, then President George Bush, anent the options available during the Persian Gulf crisis precipitated by the invasion of Kuwait, and came away from the meeting and held a press conference. The rule of confidentiality, if not ordinary reticence and discretion, should have suggested to the bishop that silence is indeed sometimes golden.

But his latest quodlibet [TLC, Jan. 22] is too much. He has taken a position advocating an outright scofflaw attitude with regard to the status of immigrants. It would seem that there is a difference between legal and illegal immigrants, else why have any immigration laws at all? My premise is that reasonable immigration laws are necessary for our very survival.

It seems our Presiding Bishop has taken a very partisan position on almost every issue, and in my perception this has not been helpful. A significant number of church members have been alienated by the liberal party line, exacerbated by an apparent cavalier approach to the concerns of those who may differ. Exercising a prophetic ministry is one thing. Being open to men and women of good will who hold differing views, makes good pastoral sense.

I have known our Presiding Bishop for 40 years. We shared a year in seminary, where his sobriquet was "Red" in part because of the color of his hair, but also in part due to his temperament, which was somewhat on the feisty side. I make bold to suggest that, for the good of the church, it is time for our Presiding Bishop to retire and give the opportunity for the church to elect someone who can be a healer and reconciler among us. I fear that waiting for the next General Convention to elect his successor is too long a time to wait for the healer and reconciler we need.


Hendersonville, N.C.