The Living Church

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The Living ChurchJanuary 4, 1998In This Corner Weary Warriors Need Rest by David Kalvelage216(1) p. 2

What others are saying...

From the Plattsburgh (N.Y.) Press-Republican's advance article on the consecration of the Rev. Daniel Herzog as Bishop Coadjutor of Albany:

"The Most Rev. Edmond Browning, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church of the United States, leads other bishops, parish priests, deacons and laity in the festive occasion. It continues the church's tradition of an unbroken line of apostasy dating back to the original 12 Apostles."


The Rt. Rev. Gavin Reid, Bishop of Maidstone in the Church of England, issued a warning recently that deserves attention. Speaking to a group of evangelical Anglicans, he said there is a danger of exhaustion in the church at every level.

"Most of us are over-extended and we serve a church that is over-extending itself," he was quoted by The Church of England Newspaper. "I believe that at every level of the life of our church we are trying to do too much.

"It just cannot go on. And I believe I can sense a growing weariness across the church, affecting all theological strands. We cannot keep psyching ourselves up for new church-focused challenges, and expect to have much energy left to make new Christians and to change the shape of our society."


According to Anglican Advance, the newspaper of the Diocese of Chicago, slugging outfielder Sammy Sosa of the Chicago Cubs and his brother, Jose, were baptized recently at Nuestra Senora de las Americas, one of 10 Latino congregations in that diocese. Now if he can only stop striking out so much ...


Anglican Journal, the monthly newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada, carried a wonderful feature article on a priest who is an Elvis impersonator. The Rev. Dorian Baxter, 47, a full-time schoolteacher, formed a band called Jesus Rock of Our Salvation. "Through Elvis, I have preached the word of God to an astounding number of people and many of them have accepted Jesus Christ into their lives," he said. Fr. Baxter raises money for charity with the concerts, and was the official chaplain for an Elvis convention.


Inland Episcopalian, the newspaper of the Diocese of Spokane, reports that this sign was seen in the sacristy of one of the parishes in that diocese:

Will the last person to leave please turn off the perpetual light


Oops! We had a misprint in the location to find those parish websites [TLC , Dec. 21]. Try this: http: //


Note to Mrs. Hill in the Diocese of Southeast Florida: The Anglican Church in America has no connection to either the Episcopal Church or the Anglican Communion.David Kalvelage, editor

The Rt. Rev. Catherine Roskam, Suffragan Bishop of New York, on challenges to the church of modern life: "Drug pushers are the great evangelists of today, and they are harvesting our young people."