The Living Church

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The Living ChurchAugust 16, 1998A Little More from Lambeth ... 217(7) p. 9

Archbishop James Ayong of Papua New Guinea was at Lambeth when news came that a tidal wave had devastated his country, killing thousands. While meeting with the other primates, "I asked the other archbishops to remember the people of Aipo and Rongo in their prayers," he said.


This 13th Lambeth Conference marked the first time bishops coadjutor and bishops suffragan were in attendance. The total of 739 bishops included 224 from Africa, 177 from North America, 139 from the United Kingdom and Europe, 95 from Asia, and 56 from Australia, New Zealand and Oceania.


The Rt. Rev. Geralyn Wolf, Bishop of Rhode Island, told a reporter about entering Canterbury Cathedral for the opening service: "When I was about to enter the cathedral for the service, one of the other bishops, male, took my arm and said, 'Bishop, welcome to Canterbury'."


The filioque clause (of the Son) was omitted from the Nicene Creed during the opening service and some other liturgies. The latest Canadian prayer book is among those which have restored the creed to its ancient form.


T.S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral was performed in Canterbury Cathedral for three nights during the opening week of the conference. A Canterbury-based theater group produced the performances in the crypt before large crowds.


Among the ecumenical visitors were Lutheran bishops from the churches of the Porvoo Agreement, which involved Anglicans and Lutherans in the Nordic and Baltic countries. A reception for the Lutheran bishops gave Anglicans an opportunity to meet them.


Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey laid the foundation stone for the new Education Centre being built within the precincts of Canterbury Cathedral. The construction will include classrooms, an auditorium, an office and residential accommodations.


One of the evening programs, Faith in an Urban World, presented by the Urban Bishops Panel, addressed the question "Is the Anglican Communion good news for the world's poor?"


The Lesbian Gay Christian Movement (LGCM) distributed rainbow-colored ribbons and asked that they be worn throughout the conference "as a sign of praying for an inclusive church."


Veronica Bennetts, wife of the Bishop of Coventry (England), composed a musical, Crowning Glory, which was performed Aug. 6. Bishops' spouses had various roles in the production.


The Lambeth Conference Fund [TLC, April 12], begun as a pool, to which churches able to find resources could contribute, was responsible for helping some bishops attend Lambeth. At the beginning of the conference, more than 1 million pounds had been contributed.