The Living Church

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The Living ChurchMarch 26, 2000Resolutions Aplenty by David Kalvelage220(13) p. 10

There will be plenty of legislation to occupy the time and attention of deputies and bishops at General Convention.

Just in case you've forgotten, there will be other things besides the sexuality issues to talk about when the 73rd General Convention is held in Denver July 5-14. Yes, the sexuality issues are getting most of the publicity [March 12], but there really will be plenty of legislation to occupy the time and attention of deputies and bishops. I've had a chance to read through the resolutions already on file and found items of interest. Here's a brief look at some of them:

Double Membership - A program called "20/20: A Clear Vision" would double membership by 2020 through creative strategies for evangelism, prayer and spiritual development, recruiting and equipping innovative leaders, and strengthening congregational life.

Recruiting Leadership - A total of $500,000 annually in matching funds to parishes and dioceses would be used for recruiting, educating and training evangelists and church planters who were born after 1964 and are people of color, as well as provide for training of lay and ordained leaders in second language skills and cross-cultural sensitivity.

New Fund for Ministry and Mission - "The Alleluia Fund - Build my Church" would be a new initiative in planning, giving and spiritual transformation centered in the Easter season and would assist dioceses with new church development, revitalization of existing congregations, reaching children and youth, and ministering to those in need.

Dialogue with Presbyterians - In view of the likely approval of full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and because the ELCA is already in full communion with the Presbyterian Church (USA), there would be a bilateral dialogue with the Presbyterians.

Establishment of an Episcopal Youth Corps - Some $300,000 would be provided for the establishment of an Episcopal Youth Corps to engage in servant ministry throughout the Anglican Communion.

Common Date for Easter - A proposal of the World Council of Churches that procedures would be followed to establish a common date for the celebration of Easter as a step toward unity.

Identification of "Safe Spaces" - A formal process would be established by the Executive Council for parishes to identify themselves as "safe spaces" for lesbians and gays to tell their stories and be heard "with love and care."

The Revised Common Lectionary - The BCP lectionary would be amended, adopting the readings and psalms of the Revised Common Lectionary as the replacement for the present readings and psalms.

Discontinue the Existing System of Provinces - The current nine provinces would be discontinued and support would be provided for the "ongoing mission and ministry of existing networks within provinces" [TLC, March 19].

Additional Commemorations - Additional commemorations would be proposed for the church calendar - Florence Nightingale, Enmegahbowh and Philip the Deacon.

Anti-Racism Training - The church's lay and ordained leadership, professional staff and members of committees and commissions would be required to undergo anti-racism training.

Census of the Church - A comprehensive demographic census of the entire membership of the Episcopal Church would be conducted by 2005.

Dialogue on Fidelity - A process of conversation on fidelity in human relationships, addressing such issues as truth telling, trust, forgiveness , intimacy, loyalty and integrity.

Episcopal Service Corps - An Episcopal Service Corps would complement Volunteers in Mission and Jubilee Ministry, and provide short- and long-term opportunities for volunteer service to "all aspects of the life and ministry" of the church.

Some of the other resolutions already filed address the following topics: A study of the role of confirmation, an investigation of methods to reduce the cost of General Convention, a reduction of the size of the House of Deputies, a study of end-of-life issues, a plan for liturgical revision, and renewal and enrichment of worship. And there are the usual topics: capital punishment, stewardship statement, global mission.

You'll be hearing more as we approach the dates for convention

David Kalvelage, executive editor

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