The Living Church

Year Article Type Limit by Author

The Living ChurchOctober 7, 2001Historic Succession by Michael Richerson223(16) p. 23

When the first attempt to achieve full communion was not accepted by ELCA, the leadership of the Episcopal Church was willing to compromise and suspend even more of Anglican (and ancient catholic) tradition and belief to accept Called to Common Mission (CCM).

The ELCA and the Episcopal Church do not hold the same beliefs on orders, ordination, and to some extent, even sacraments. The members of ELCA were willing to challenge their leadership and to make some provision for belief in a single order of ministry. Unfortunately, the membership of the Episcopal Church has not been able to make a successful challenge to our leadership getting us into CCM and several other things contrary to Anglican (and ancient catholic) belief and tradition. The Episcopal Church should withdraw from CCM and return to Anglican beliefs on orders and ordination. Our ecumenical efforts would be better directed toward affirming Anglican tradition and improving our relationship with other Anglican churches, Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox churches.

Michael Richerson

Wichita, Kan.