Church World- In Brief

Diocesan Press Service. January 6, 1967 [50-8]

Church World Service continues its aid to the underfed, underhoused and underclothed of the world in 1967. Soon to arrive in India is a mobile well drilling rig and auxiliary equipment for use in relieving the acute water shortage in the state of Bihar. Some 32,000 school children in Saigon are receiving lunches thanks to Vietnam Christian Service's "School Lunch Program." There are, however, more than 300,000 children of elementary school age. Episcopalians aid CWS through their contributions to the Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief and Interchurch Aid.

The 90th Congress will have 67 Episcopalians according to statistics gathered by several religious press organizations. The most numerous religious affiliation reported by the lawmakers is Roman Catholic (106) and the second most numerous, Methodist (94).

The Episcopal Book Club has announced a prize of $2, 500 will be given for the best unpublished fiction or non-fiction book-length manuscript, written by a member of any church of the Anglican Communion, dealing with current problems in a manner consistent with the faith of the historic church and submitted by all Saints' Day, November 1, 1967. Detailed information can be obtained from the Episcopal Book Club, Hillspeak, Eureka Springs, Ark. 72632.

The Diocesan Council of Colombo, Ceylon recently voted 168 in favor and 18 against the Ceylon Church Union Scheme. The other Ceylon diocese, Kurunagala has also voted in favor of the plan. A final ballot must be taken at the next General Council of the Church of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon when all diocesan councils have voted.

The Cuban Council of Churches, at its 28th General Assembly in Havana, Nov. 8-10, elected the Very Rev. Jose A. Gonzalez, Dean of the Episcopal Cathedral, president of the Council. The Cuban Episcopal Church was granted status as an independent diocese at last October's meeting of the House of Bishops.

Appointed to New York's Council Against Poverty by Mayor John V. Lindsay were Leon E. Modeste, Assistant Secretary in the Division of Community Services of the Executive Council's Department of Christian Social Relations, and the Rev. Louis Ferrara, vicar of St. John's, Springfield Gardens.

The Very Rev. Samuel J. Wylie was installed as Dean of the General Theological Seminary, New York City, on Dec. 12 in the Seminary Chapel of the Good Shepherd. In his installation sermon the new Dean said he looked for the graduate of General to be a man who "speaks the new idiom or creates one because he is a man of his times with something to say."

Another step in international Anglican cooperation was signaled with an agreement between FINDINGS and RESOURCE, the Christian education magazines of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada. The editors of both magazines have planned a series of twenty two articles to be written by both Americans and Canadians and to appear in both magazines over the next two years.

Presiding Bishop Hines has named a committee of 11 to review the work and role of the Church Pension Fund in the life of the Episcopal Church. The committee was appointed at the request of the Pension Fund's board of trustees.

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