92 resolutions were found matching the query conditions.
Resolution Number | Title | Legislative Action Taken | Abstract |
2022-A020 | Encourage Support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals | Concurred | The 80th General Convention expresses its support for Sustainable Development Goals and urges parishes, dioceses, and jurisdictions to support the United Nation’s Decade of Action (2020-2030) to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. |
2022-A086 | Continue the Work of the Task Force for Care of Creation and Environmental Racism | Concurred | The 80th General Convention commends the work done by the Task Force for Care of Creation and Environmental Racism and authorizes it to continue its work. |
2022-A087 | Commit to Net Carbon Neutrality by 2030 | Concurred as Amended | The 80th General Convention commits to a goal of net carbon neutrality by 2030 and encourages the Presiding Bishop’s staff to draft a carbon offset policy, establish an internal offset program, and develop resources for parishes and dioceses. It further encourages parishes, dioceses, and other institutions to pursue net carbon neutrality by 2030. |
2022-A088 | Re-Commit to Addressing Global Climate Change and Environmental Justice | Concurred as Amended | The 80th General Convention recommits to the work done on global climate change, directs the Office of Government Relations and Episcopal Public Policy Network to advocate for legislation addressing the impact of climate change on marginalized communities, and encourages Church communities to advocate for policies that meet local needs resulting from climate change. |
2022-A089 | Divest from Fossil Fuel Companies and Invest in Renewable Energy | Concurred as Amended | The 80th General Convention directs The Episcopal Church to divest from fossil fuel companies and mutual funds including fossil fuel companies and reinvest in renewable energy funds. |
2022-A160 | Study the Environmental Impact of and Provide Guidance on Cryptocurrency Investment | Concurred | The 80th General Convention recognizes the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies and calls upon the Investment Committee to study this impact and provide investment guidance. |
2022-C015 | Create a Churchwide Internal Carbon Offset Program | Concurred as Amended | The 80th General Convention directs the Executive Council to create a responsible and ethical pilot church-wide carbon offset policy. |
2022-C016 | Establish a Shareholder Strategy to Address Carbon-Intensive Lending | Concurred | The 80th General Convention directs the Executive Council to establish a shareholder strategy that addresses Carbon-Intensive Lending by financial institutions. |
2022-D027 | Encourage the Use of Virtual Meetings in Church Governance | Concurred | The 80th General Convention encourages a greater use of virtual meetings to limit travel generating a significant carbon footprint and/or to create a significant cost savings for the Church. |
2022-D064 | Advocate for Green New Deal and Other Climate Change Legislation | Concurred as Amended | The 80th General Convention urges all Episcopalians to advocate for elected and appointed officials to address environmental and ecological issues through policies to combat climate change. |
2018-A010 | Encourage Planting of Paris Groves To Give Thanks for Creation | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention recommends that Episcopal schools, camps, and conference centers commit to environmental stewardship in education and, together with all those who reaffirm their Baptismal vows, to bear witness to the Paris Climate Accord with strategic tree planting. |
2018-A011 | Affirm Commitment to Address Environmental Racism | Concurred as Substituted | The 79th General Convention reaffirms the church’s commitment to a safe and healthy environment and authorizes a task force to recommend remedies to address governmental policies affecting community health and environment. |
2018-A013 | Create a Task Force and Staff Position for Care of Creation | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention funds a staff office, a small grants program, and a Task Force for Care of Creation that will develop initiatives in eco-justice ministry and projects. The Task Force will disseminate case studies and best practices and report to the 2021 Convention. |
2018-A014 | Create a Pilot Carbon Offset Program | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention recognizes that church travel contributes to climate change and directs Executive Council to draft a policy, test a pilot carbon offset program, and present a plan for a broader church-wide effort. |
2018-A016 | On the Topic of Care of Creation in the Baptismal Covenant | Rejected | The 79th General Convention rejects a resolution authorizing for trial use a revision to the Baptismal Covenant that adds language on care of creation. |
2018-A017 | On the Topic of Incorporating Care of Creation Into Sacramental Liturgies | Rejected | The 79th General Convention rejects a resolution directing that future revision of the Prayer Book include creation-focused liturgies especially in the sacramental rites. |
2018-A018 | Adopt Bishops' Pastoral Teaching and Commit to Paris Climate Accord | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention adopts the 2011 House of Bishops’ Pastoral Teaching on the Environment as an official position and calls for the church to advocate for a fair and ambitious binding climate treaty. |
2018-A019 | Assess and Report on Impact of Evangelism and Care of Creation Efforts | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention calls on Church Center staff to collaborate with task forces on evangelism and care of creation to assess and report on the impact of funded efforts to integrate creation care since 2000, with special attention to effective engagement of younger generations. |
2018-A020 | Divest From Fossil Fuel Companies and Reinvest in Clean Energy | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention reaffirms its commitment to divest from fossil fuel companies and reinvest in clean energy and calls on the Executive Council and the Church Pension Fund to report on their progress in reaching these goals. |
2018-A021 | Refer a Resolution to Amend Canon III.3.8.5(g) [Theological Education] | Referred | The 79th General Convention amends Canon III.3.8.5(g) to require that clergy receive training on environmental ethics and theology, and stewardship and care of creation. |
2018-A213 | Collect Data on Parish Energy Usage | Concurred | The 79th General Convention provides funding for an Executive Council study of energy use and efficiency from all church properties with recommendations for reducing environmental impact. |
2018-B025 | Recognize Clean Water as a Human Right and Public Trust | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention recognizes water as a human right and publicly held natural commons, and urges a ban on the sale of bottled water at church events, and advocacy for public ownership and operation of safe water utilities. |
2018-B027 | Encourage Gender-Inclusive Responses to Climate Change | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention calls for public policy advocacy of gender inclusive responses to climate change and for women’s leadership on climate justice; and also encourages budgetary support for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. |
2018-C008 | Encourage Sustainable Choices to Combat Climate Change | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention urges that church members strive to combat climate change through sustainable living choices, and encourages the use of a web tools to track carbon use. |
2018-C020 | Urge Support for Carbon Accounting Policies for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention calls on Episcopalians to support and advocate for justly implemented policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as a carbon tax. |
2018-C021 | Call for Shareholder Advocacy for Environmental Impact | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention calls upon the Executive Council Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility and the CPF to identify ten companies in the church’s portfolio with a significant environmental impact and advocate for them to include a sustainability expert on their boards. |
2018-C030 | On the Topic of a Change to the Baptismal Covenant | Rejected | The 79th General Convention rejects the trial addition to the Baptismal Covenant of a question on the individuals’ responsibility as baptized Christians to care for God’s creation. |
2018-C063 | Advocate for Ocean Health | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention affirms all work by the church to protect the global ocean, authorizes the Government Relations Office to advocate public policies that advance ocean health work, and calls on the church to commit to ocean health and those affected by environmental displacement. |
2018-C064 | Support Tribal Opposition to a Minnesota Pipeline | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention reaffirms the repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery and the sovereignty of First Nations over territorial resources, and echoes the concerns of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe regarding the threatening placement of a crude oil pipeline across the Lake Reservation in Minnesota. |
2018-D006 | Call for Public Investment and Community Participation in Transition to New Economies | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention calls for church support for public investment in economic transition in areas of education and job training, clean energy, universal access to community college, and local hire and public works projects that recognize the rights of workers to organize. |
2018-D007 | Support Disaster Relief, Recovery, and Prevention | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention commends Episcopal Relief & Development’s response to recent natural disasters, urges the federal government to support sustained recovery efforts, and encourages Episcopalians to create emergency preparedness and response plans. |
2018-D053 | Call for Model Policies for Sustainable Church Land Use | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention recommends the use of church-owned land for conservation projects to mitigate climate change, and directs Executive Council to appoint a body to gather information for an inventory of all church-owned properties. |
2018-D081 | Call for Community Development Efforts and Government Policy Initiatives to Address Transition to Clean Energy | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention advocates for policies and program initiatives, and requests specific Church Center offices to assist communities identified with fossil fuels with the negative impact of the transition away from their use, including training, education, housing assistance, and development investment. |
2015-A030 | Support Ecologically Responsible Stewardship of Church Property | Concurred as Substituted and Amended | The 78th General Convention directs the DFMS to develop resources to support local ecologically-responsible stewardship of church property; and create regional groups to compile materials, create networks, and provide consultation. |
2015-A058 | Authorize Liturgical Materials Honoring God in Creation | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention authorizes the use of supplementary liturgical materials that honor God in creation and consider them for inclusion in the Book of Occasional Services. |
2015-A091 | Advocate for a Just Food System | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention affirms food ministries and programs within the Church and encourages Church-wide commitment to food systems focused on sustainability, equity, cultural diversity, and accessibility to healthy food. |
2015-A170 | Advocate for Safe Food Production and Farm Labor Policies | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention supports public policies that promote sustainable farms and land use, safe and healthy food cultivation, production and distribution, the labor rights and safety of farm workers, and public food programs for the poor. |
2015-A171 | Give Thanks for the Papal Encyclical on Climate Change | Concurred as Substituted | The 78th General Convention welcomes the papal encyclical on climate change and encourages the Presiding Bishop to write a pastoral letter to the Church in anticipation of the 2015 Paris climate summit. |
2015-B006 | On the Topic of Affirming Genetic Engineering Technologies | Rejected | The 78th General Convention rejects a resolution to affirm the potential of genetic engineering technologies in food production. |
2015-C013 | Oppose Environmental Racism | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention recommits to opposing environmental racism which is expressed in the location of harmful industries in low income neighborhoods. |
2015-C015 | Refer a Resolution to Amend the Baptismal Covenant | Referred | The 78th General Convention refers to a Standing Commission a resolution to authorize the trial addition of affirmation in the Baptismal Covenant on the care of God's creation. |
2015-C045 | Call for Investing in Clean and Renewable Energy | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention calls the Church to divest from fossil fuel companies and reinvest in clean, renewable energy in a fiscally responsible manner. |
2015-C053 | Support Subsistence Rights of Indigenous Cultures | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention calls for policy recommendations and strategies to support subsistence rights and access to traditional native food sources by Indigenous cultures. |
2012-A013 | Study the Impact of Genetically Modified Crops and Organisms | Concurred as Substituted | The 77th General Convention commissions a study of genetically engineered plants and patented organisms to consider food security, biodiversity, environmental degradation, health issues and pathogens, and trade inequities; and urges Episcopalians to reflect and learn about these issues. |
2012-B023 | Seek Environmental Justice | Concurred as Amended | The 77th General Convention calls for support of policies that provide tangible benefits to communities bearing the greatest burdens of global climate change; for transformation of the world’s energy away from fossil fuels; and for grassroots solutions to climate change. |
2012-C119 | Support Legislation to Improve Port Conditions and Workers’ Rights | Concurred as Substituted | The 77th General Convention supports port legislation to reduce pollution and enable workers to seek wage and employment benefits; and encourages dioceses with port installations to become involved in interfaith groups for environmental and worker justice. |
2012-D055 | Advocate for Reducing Climate-Changing Emissions | Concurred as Substituted | The 77th General Convention urges the U.S. government to reduce fossil fuel dependency and transition to renewable energy. |
2009-A035 | Evaluate Use of Standing Commissions to Develop Policy Proposals | Concurred as Substituted | The 76th General Convention requests evaluation of alternatives to standing commissions for policy research and advocacy. |
2009-A045 | Restrict Use of Bottled Water and Practice Conservation | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention requests restricted use of bottled water at General Convention. |
2009-A157 | Refer a Resolution on Climate Change and the Millennium Development Goals | Referred | The 76th General Convention refers to a Standing Commission a resolution requesting a response to the impact of global climate change on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. |
2009-C011 | Directs Advocacy on Renewable Energy and Environmental Stewardship | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention supports a number of measures by the US government to legislate and implement policies favorable to renewable energy alternatives and environmental stewardship practices. |
2009-C012 | Urges Scientific Integrity in Environmental Policy | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention supports the scientific integrity of research used in policy decisions affecting humans and their ecosystems. |
2009-C064 | Endorse the Earth Charter | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention endorses the Earth Charter and directs that specific steps be developed for biblical, theological and spiritual resources for environmental justice. |
2009-C070 | Endorse The Genesis Covenant | Concurred | The 76th General Convention affirms The Genesis Covenant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from every Church facility by a minimum of 50% within ten years. |
2009-D001 | Refer a Resolution to Develop a Pentecost Season Creation Cycle | Referred | The 76th General Convention refers to a Standing Commission a resolution requesting to establish a Pentecost Season Creation Cycle on the environment. |
2009-D014 | Direct Dioceses to Educate on Public Environmental Decisions | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention directs diocesan environmental committees to educate congregations about public environmental decisions that adversely affect society's most vulnerable. |
2009-D015 | Urge Dioceses to Educate on Environmental Decisions Affecting Animal Species | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention supports the humane treatment of all of God's creatures, and urges congregations to educate themselves about endangered species, farmed food animals, and domesticated animals. |
2009-D031 | Urge Commitment to Lower Carbon Output | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention urges the US government to commit to lower the output of atmospheric carbon by 25% by 2020 and by 80% by 2050. |
2006-B002 | Acknowledge and Reduce Global Warming | Concurred as Amended | The 75th General Convention acknowledges Global Warming and urges the Executive Council and its Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Committee to promote a sustainable global environment. |
2006-C018 | Recognize Global Warming and Reaffirm Church's Environmental Responsibility | Concurred as Amended | The 75th General Convention reaffirms an historic commitment to environmental stewardship and endorses Interfaith Power and Light. |
2003-A016 | On the Topic of Food Security | Rejected | The 74th General Convention rejects a resolution on food security. |
2003-C026 | Reduce the Use of Toxic Chemicals | Concurred as Amended | The 74th General Convention urges the Church to initiate a plan that reduces the use of toxic chemicals in the management of Church buildings and grounds. |
2003-C036 | Provide the Church with Information About Food Source Issues | Concurred as Amended | The 74th General Convention seeks to provide a network of bodies within and outside the Church with information concerning the issues surrounding food sources. |
2003-D046 | Urge Stewardship of Water Resources | Concurred | The 74th General Convention encourages the Church at all levels to become active stewards of water resources through conservation efforts and stewardship steps. |
2003-D066 | Endorse ACC Resolutions on the Environment | Concurred as Amended | The 74th General Convention endorses resolutions on the environment passed by the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC). |
2003-D070 | Work for a Clean Water Policy | Concurred | The 74th General Convention urges work on public policy that makes clean water accessible to all persons. |
2000-A048 | Consider the Environment When Choosing Electric Energy Supplier | Concurred | The 73rd General Convention encourages consideration of the environment when choosing electric energy suppliers. |
2000-D005 | Oppose Environmental Racism | Concurred | The 73rd General Convention calls on the Church to oppose environmental racism and directs the Washington Office to monitor legislation on industries that threaten communities inhabited by people of color or the poor. |
1997-A041 | Reaffirm Resolution on Environmentally Sound Behavior | Concurred As Amended | The 72nd General Convention reaffirms its policy that the Church adopt practical, environmentally sound, and energy-efficient lifestyle behavior, particularly when gathered at General Convention. |
1997-A145 | On the Topic of a Study of Ecological Concerns and Stewardship | Rejected | The 72nd General Convention rejects a resolution to undertake a study of ecological concerns and stewardship. |
1994-A041 | Authorize Continuation of the Environmental Stewardship Team | Concurred As Substituted and Amended | The 71st General Convention reauthorizes the Environmental Stewardship Team for work in environmental education, theological dialogue, and the identification of models of environmental stewardship. |
1994-A042 | Encourage Church Investment Strategy on Hazardous Chemicals | Concurred As Amended | The 71st General Convention reaffirms its commitment to justice for those exposed to hazardous waste disposal. It encourages the Church to influence corporations to find alternatives to the manufacture, use, and disposal of hazardous chemicals. |
1994-A044 | Adopt Environmentally Sound Practices at Church Meetings | Concurred As Amended | The 71st General Convention requests that the Church at all levels adopt practical, environmentally sound and energy-efficient lifestyle behaviors and that all future General Conventions be models of environmental stewardship. |
1994-D048 | On the Topic of Environmental Stewardship | Rejected | The 71st General Convention rejects the resolution supporting goals of environmental stewardship. |
1994-D062 | On the Topic of Biodiversity and Natural Habitats | Rejected | The 71st General Convention rejects the resolution protecting biodiversity and natural habitats. |
1991-A109 | Promote the Valdez Principles | Concurred As Amended | The 70th General Convention promotes the Valdez Principles as a model through which industry can address various environmental concerns. |
1991-A111 | On the Topic of Environmentally Sound Practices | Rejected | The 70th General Convention rejects the resolution directing the General Convention to adopt environmentally sound practices. |
1991-A195 | Affirm Environmental Responsibility and an Environmental Stewardship Team | Concurred As Substituted and Amended | The 70th General Convention affirms humanity's responsibility for the earth and acknowledges God's call to engage in environmental issues. It calls for the appointment of an Environmental Stewardship Team. |
1991-B044 | Oppose Use of Foreign Countries as Dumping Places for Waste | Concurred As Amended | The 70th General Convention expresses opposition to the use of foreign countries, especially Latin America and the Caribbean, as dumping places for waste, pesticides and chemical residues. |
1991-D041 | Implement 1988 Lambeth Resolution No.040 on the Environment | Concurred | The 70th General Convention calls for implementation of the 1988 Lambeth Conference resolution which identifies areas in which the misuse of people or resources poses a threat to the life system of the planet and calls upon each province and diocese to devise a program of study, reflection and action concerning our stewardship of God's earth. |
1991-D087 | Seek to Reduce the Use of Paper | Concurred | The 70th General Convention asks the Church at every level to reduce the use of paper in the conduct of business. |
1991-D118 | On the Topic of Nuclear Power | Rejected | The 70th General Convention rejects the resolution encouraging exploration of peaceful uses of nuclear power. |
1991-D124 | Support Reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act in 1991 | Concurred | The 70th General Convention supports the reauthorization and strengthening of the Endangered Species Act. |
1991-D125 | Oppose Oil Development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge | Concurred | The 70th General Convention opposes the opening of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil development and supports legislation that improves energy conservation. |
1988-D126 | Request a Statement of Policy and a Plan for Environmental Stewardship | Concurred As Amended | The 69th General Convention requests a plan of action regarding stewardship of the global environment and the potential problems of ozone depletion and global warming. |
1985-D109 | On the Topic of Pollution and Toxic Waste Disposal | Rejected | The 68th General Convention rejects the resolution requesting a report on the Church's response to the issues of pollution and toxic waste disposal. |
1982-A111 | Request Dioceses to Respond to Issues of Land Use and Stewardship | Concurred | The 67th General Convention urges dioceses to work ecumenically in their states to help form land stewardship councils. |
1982-B006 | Develop an Educational Process on Judicious Land Use | Concurred | The 67th General Convention gives high priority to education on responsible land use and urges Congressional legislation to promote the judicious use of land resources. |
1979-D029 | Give Priority to Educating Congregations on Energy and the Environment | Concurred As Amended | The 66th General Convention directs the Executive Council to continue the work of the Task Force on Energy and Environment and to develop an educational process on responsibilities and actions in a world of dwindling resources. |
1979-D143 | Urge Local Churches to Influence Land Development in Their Communities | Concurred | The 66th General Convention urges that the appropriate public agencies examine all proposals to convert undeveloped lands in light of the effects of such conversion upon local and worldwide food, energy, housing needs, and supplies. |
1979-D144 | Call Upon Members to Exercise a Responsible Life Style | Concurred As Amended | The 66th General Convention calls all Church members to exercise a responsible life style based on real personal needs commensurate with a world of limited resources. |
1973-B106 | Calls on the Church to Protect the Earth and Oppose Environmental Threats | Concurred as Amended | The 64th General Convention broadly supports prudent use of the Earth and its resources; asks all Church entities to avoid contributing to environmental deterioration in their use of vehicles, buildings, and properties; and publicly opposes those whose plans and actions threaten the environment. |
Resolution Number | Title | Legislative Action Taken | Abstract |