Diocesan Press Service Carolyne Aniba, Diocese of Washington
The Rev. Charlie McNutt, left, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Martinsburg, W. Va., is shown with members of the ecumenical and community task force that hopes to sponsor 30 refugees through Church World Service via the Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief. The community has raised $1,300 for initial support. The meeting June 18 was in the home of the Huor Ley eight-member Cambodian family that arrived the night before. Martinsburg City Council members cleaned the 13-room house which had been vacant four years. City firemen repaired the roof. Citizens contributed furnishings. Four physicians have offered free medical care. McNutt and the Rev. Roger Henshaw, rector of Zion Episcopal Church, Charles Town, who began the search for refugees and support, are being called into other communities for advice and counsel on refugee sponsorship. The meeting, which was held to welcome officially the Huor family, was attended by state and local government representatives, civic leaders, television media, and religious leaders representing ten different churches.
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