Resolution Number: 1997-A039
Title: Reaffirm General Convention Resolutions on Racism
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the 72nd General Convention reaffirm Resolution 1994-D135 of the 71st General Convention, which was not implemented and once again directs the Executive Council to oversee the monitoring of progress in dioceses implementing resolutions on racism adopted by previous General Conventions and Executive Councils; and that it report the results of its surveys annually to the Church at large and every three years to the General Convention of this Church, with recommendations for improvement.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, 1997 (New York: General Convention, 1998), p. 575.

Legislative History

Author: The Executive Council Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation Committee
Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Social and Urban Affairs

House of Bishops

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 72nd General Convention reaffirm Resolution D135a of the 71st General Convention, and further directs the Executive Council to oversee the monitoring progress in dioceses implementing resolutions on racism adopted by previous General Conventions and Executive Councils; and that it report the results of its surveys annually to the Church at large and every three years to the General Convention of this Church, with recommendations for improvement.

Proposed Committee Amendment:

In line 2, after "Convention" add "which was not implemented"; after "and" delete "further" and add "once again."

Motion carried

Resolution adopted with amendment

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #54)

House of Deputies

The Committee on Social and Urban Affairs presented its Report #13 on HB Message #54 on Resolution A039a (Monitoring Racism), moved the resolution, and recommended concurrence.

Motion carried

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #121)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, July 20.

Report Reference:   Executive Council: Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation Committee, Reports to the 72nd General Convention, 1997, pp. 147-163.
Abstract:   The 72nd General Convention reaffirms previous General Convention's resolutions on racism, requesting further surveys and recommendations for improvement.