Resolution Number: 1997-A076
Title: Request Diocesan Liturgical Commissions to Urge Use of Alternative Liturgies
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Substituted
Final Text:

Resolved, That diocesan liturgical commissions urge all congregations, with the permission of their Ordinary, to make use of materials approved by the 72nd General Convention as contained in Enriching Our Worship ; and be it further

Resolved, That diocesan liturgical commissions also urge all congregations to make use of the provision to develop local materials in the context of An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist ("Rite III"), and to share their experiences with both their diocesan liturgical commissions and the Standing Liturgical Commission.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, 1997 (New York: General Convention, 1998), p. 807.

Legislative History

Author: The Standing Liturgical Commission
Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Prayer Book and Liturgy

House of Bishops

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the Standing Liturgical Commission urge all congregations, with the permission of their Ordinary, to make use of materials offered in the Report to the 72 nd General Convention (Blue Book) as well as local material produced in the context of An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist ("Rite III"), and to share experiences and results with the Standing Liturgical Commission.

Proposed Committee Substitute:

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That diocesan liturgical commissions urge all congregations, with the permission of their Ordinary, to make use of materials approved by the 72nd General Convention as contained in Enriching Our Worship; and be it further,

Resolved, That diocesan liturgical commissions also urge all congregations to make use of the provision to develop local materials in the context of An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist ("Rite III"), and to share their experiences with both their diocesan liturgical commissions and the Standing Liturgical Commission.

Motion carried

Substitute resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #215)

House of Deputies

The Committee on Prayer Book and Liturgy presented its Report #13 on HB Message #215 on Resolution A076s (Test Local Materials ("Rite III")), moved the resolution, and recommended concurrence.

Motion carried

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #349)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, July 25.

Report Reference:   Standing Liturgical Commission, Reports to the 72nd General Convention, 1997, pp. 251-300.
Abstract:   The 72nd General Convention requests diocesan liturgical commissions to urge all congregations to use alternative liturgies.

For approval and changes to Supplemental Liturgical Materials, see resolution 1997-A075.