Resolution Number: 2012-C029
Title: Reaffirm Baptism Before Holy Communion
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Substituted and Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That The Episcopal Church reaffirms that baptism is the ancient and normative entry point to receiving Holy Communion and that our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to go into the world and baptize all peoples.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, 2012 (New York: General Convention, 2012), pp. 728-729.

Legislative History

Author: Diocese of North Carolina
Originating House: House of Deputies
Originating Committee: Evangelism

House of Deputies

The House of Deputies Committee on Evangelism presented its Report #12 on Resolution C029 (Access to Holy Baptism and Holy Communion) and moved adoption of a substitute.

Original Text of Resolution


Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring, That the 77th General Convention direct the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies to appoint a special commission charged with conducting a study of the theology underlying access to Holy Baptism and Holy Communion in this Church and to recommend for consideration by the 78th General Convention any amendment to Title I, Canon 17, Section 7, of the Canons of General Convention that it deems appropriate; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to consider a budget allocation of $30,000 for the implementation of this Resolution.

Committee Substitute

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring, That The Episcopal Church reaffirms that baptism is the ancient and normative entry point to receiving Holy Communion and that our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to go into the world and baptize all peoples. We also acknowledge that in various local contexts there is the exercise of pastoral sensitivity with those who are not yet baptized.

Deputy Michell of Dallas moved to amend the substitute resolution.

Proposed Amendment

Delete “We also acknowledge that in various local contexts there is the exercise of pastoral sensitivity with those who are not yet baptized.”

Deputy Gunter of Chicago moved to amend the amendment.

Proposed Amendment

Add “occasional” following “there is the” and before “exercise of pastoral”.

Deputy King of Western New York moved the previous question on the amendment and the amendment to the amendment.

Motion carried

Debate terminated

A vote was taken on the amendment to the amendment.

Motion defeated

Amendment defeated

A vote was taken on the amendment.

Motion defeated

Amendment defeated

Deputy Hart of Pennsylvania moved the previous question.

Motion carried

Debate terminated

Deputy Clarkson of Georgia called for a Vote By Orders on behalf of the clerical deputations of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Southwest Florida and the lay deputations of Georgia and South Carolina.

The President called for the Voting Secretary.

Deputy Hallas of Chicago brought to the President’s attention that only 2 of the 8 members of the deputation of South Carolina were on the floor. The President ruled that the deputation had to be present to call for a Vote By Orders and asked Deputy Clarkson for clarification. The President ruled that the Vote By Orders was in order because enough of the other deputations calling for the Vote By Orders were present.

A Vote By Orders was taken on the substitute resolution.

House of Deputies

Results of Vote By Orders on Resolution C029

Type Total Necessary Yes No Divided No+Divided Result
Lay: 110 56 85 16 9 25 Carried
Clergy: 111 56 70 24 16 40 Carried

Motion carried

Substitute resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #229)

House of Bishops

The House of Bishops Committee on Evangelism presented its Report #7 on HD Message #229 on Resolution C029 (Access to Holy Baptism and Holy Communion) and moved concurrence.

The Bishop of Puerto Rico moved an amendment.

Proposed Amendment

In the Second Resolve, add “with the authorization of the Bishop.”

Motion defeated

Amendment defeated

The Bishop of the Pastoral Care Development Office moved to refer the resolution to the House of Bishops Theology Committee.

Motion defeated

The Bishop of New York moved an amendment.

Proposed Amendment

Delete the closing sentence, “we also acknowledge….not yet baptized.”

The question was called.

Motion carried

Debate terminated

A vote was taken on the New York amendment.

Motion carried

Amendment adopted

A vote was taken on Resolution C029 as amended.

The House adopted with amendment

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message # 243)

House of Deputies

The House of Deputies Committee on Evangelism presented its Report #20 on HB Message #243 on Resolution C029 (Access to Holy Baptism and Holy Communion) and moved concurrence.

Deputy Buchanan of New Hampshire moved to refer the resolution to the Standing Commission on Mission and Evangelism.

Deputy Dyer of Connecticut moved the previous question.

A vote was taken on the referral.

Motion defeated

A vote was taken on the resolution. A voice vote was inconclusive. A paper vote was taken.

Motion carried

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #370)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, July 12.

Abstract:   The 77th General Convention reaffirms baptism as the entry point for receiving Holy Communion.

Resolution 2012-C040 was discharged because the matter was already acted upon in 2012-C029.