Resolution Number: | 2022-A069 |
Title: | Expand DFMS Staff Position as Point of Contact for Safe Church Inquiries |
Legislative Action Taken: | Concurred as Amended |
Final Text: |
Resolved, That the 80th General Convention direct the Executive Council to expand an existing staff position to a full time position to serve as a point of contact for dioceses and individuals to obtain information about complying with the Model Policies for the Protection of Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults and the requirement to complete the updated Praesidium Safe Church Training, managed by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, and reinforce the importance of creating a welcoming, safe environment for all of the people of God participating in The Episcopal Church sponsored or affiliated ministries, congregations, programs and other activities. This staff person shall report directly to the Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Ministry within The Episcopal Church; and be it further
Resolved, That $105,000, to include salary and benefits, be budgeted to fund this vital position.
Citation: | General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Baltimore, 2022 (New York: General Convention, 2023), p. 840. |
Legislative History
Author: | Task Force to Develop Model Sexual Harassment Policies and Safe Church Training |
Originating House: | House of Deputies |
Originating Committee: | Churchwide Leadership |
House of Deputies
The House of Deputies Committee on Churchwide Leadership presented its Report #10 on Resolution A069 (Create DFMS Staff Position to Manage Safe Church Website and Respond to Inquiries) and moved adoption with amendment.
Original Text of Resolution:
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That the 80th General Convention direct the Executive Council to create and fill a staff position, to serve as a point of contact for dioceses and individuals to obtain information about complying with the Model Policies for the Protection of Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults and the requirement to complete the updated Praesidium Safe Church Training managed by the Church Pension Group; and reinforce the importance of creating a welcoming, safe environment for all of the people of God participating in The Episcopal Church sponsored or affiliated ministries, congregations, programs and other activities. This staff person shall report directly to the Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Ministry within The Episcopal Church; and be it further
Resolved, That the Church Pension Group be asked to collaborate and coordinate with this staff person and designate a member to liaise with the staff person, to assure that all necessary information is provided to those who contact the DFMS office with questions and concerns, subject to any applicable confidentiality and/or privacy restrictions, and in the collection and dissemination of information regarding the use and adaptation of diocesan and ministry-specific policies, as well as of use and adaptation of anti-harassment policies based on the Best Practices Guide; and be it further
Resolved, That $105,000, to include salary and benefits, be budgeted to fund this vital position.
Committee Amendment:
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That the 80th General Convention direct the Executive Council to
create and fill a staff position, to serve as a point of contact for
dioceses and individuals to obtain information about complying with the
Model Policies for the Protection of Children, Youth, and Vulnerable
Adults and the requirement to complete the updated Praesidium Safe
Church Training, managed by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society managed by the Church Pension Group;
and reinforce the importance of creating a welcoming, safe environment
for all of the people of God participating in The Episcopal Church
sponsored or affiliated ministries, congregations, programs and other
activities. This staff person shall report directly to the Canon to the
Presiding Bishop for Ministry within The Episcopal Church; and be it
Resolved, That the Church Pension Group be asked to
collaborate and coordinate with this staff person and designate a member
to liaise with the staff person, to assure that all necessary
information is provided to those who contact the DFMS office with
questions and concerns, subject to any applicable confidentiality and/or
privacy restrictions, and in the collection and dissemination of
information regarding the use and adaptation of diocesan and
ministry-specific policies, as well as of use and adaptation of
anti-harassment policies based on the Best Practices Guide; and be it
Resolved, That $105,000, to include salary and benefits, be budgeted to fund this vital position.
Motion carried
Resolution adopted with amendment
(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #25)
House of Bishops
The House of Bishops Committee on Churchwide Leadership presented its Report #13 on HD Message #25 on Resolution A069 (Create DFMS Staff Position to Manage Safe Church Website and Respond to Inquiries) and moved concurrence.
Motion carried
The House concurred
(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #320)
Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, July 10.
Report Reference: | Task Force to Develop Model Sexual Harassment Policies and Safe Church Training, Reports to the 80th General Convention, 2022, pp. 1106-1140. |
Abstract: | The 80th General Convention directs the Executive Council to expand, to full time, an existing staff position to serve as a point of contact for dioceses and individuals to obtain information about Praesidium Safe Church Training and the Model Policies for the Protection of Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults. |
Notes: | Deputy Hylden of Dallas moved to remove Resolution A069 from the Consent Calendar. Motion defeated due to failure to meet the requirements established by Special Rules of Order X002. Many resolutions concurred by the House of Bishops on Day 3 resulted in two messages being sent to the House of Deputies. The Acts of Convention followed the Journal Editor’s lead in using the second message number as the official message. House of Bishops Message #320 was preceded by House of Bishops Message #254. |