Resolution Number: 1973-A081
Title: Support the Development of Programs and Policies to Improve the Juvenile Justice System
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred
Final Text:

Resolved, That this General Convention
1. Express its deep concern for the system of justice as it applies to children;
2. Express its conviction that our Church has a responsibility to address its attention and resources to this subject; and
3. Request the Dioceses and parishes of this Church to develop programs by which they might become better informed about practices in the juvenile-justice system in their area, study ways of improving the system, and work for a more just and rehabilitative system, joining wherever possible with other agencies engaged in such study and action;
and be it further

Resolved, That this General Convention direct the Executive Council to
(a) develop a program to encourage and support the Dioceses and parishes of this Church as they address their attention and resources to the reform of the system of justice for children;
(b) develop a policy regarding the reform of the system of justice for children in co-operation with the interested Dioceses, with skilled consultant assistance;
and be it further

Resolved, That the 64th General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church direct the Executive Council to allocate such a specific sum of money as can be made available from a category or categories in the presently proposed General Church Program for the purpose of supporting the Church's interest in juvenile justice.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Louisville, 1973 (New York: General Convention, 1973), pp. 418-419.
  The full legislative history is not available for resolutions prior to 1976. Please contact the Archives for this background information.