Full Legislative History
Resolution Number: 2006-A067
Title: Approve and Amend Rites and Liturgical Materials
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the 75th General Convention approve for experimental use and for publication and distribution by Church Publishing, Inc., in the Rites and Liturgical Materials found in “Rites of Passage;” and be it further

Resolved, That the proposed liturgies from the “Blue Book” report be changed as follows:

  1. Insert before Prayers and a Rite for Remembering the Departed, BB p. 140:

    Prayers for National Service

  2. Revise list of prayers, BB p. 149, as follows:

    1. Reaching Puberty

    2. Earning a Driver’s License or Permit

    3. Dating Relationships

    4. Graduating from High School

    5. Going to College

    6. Joining the Workforce

    7. Going on a Pilgrimage

    8. Moving from the Family Home

  3. Revise prayer #3, Dating Relationships, BB p. 149, as follows:

    Our greatest joy in life, O God, is to love. We thank you for showing us through Jesus that loving a child, a friend, a dream or a companion makes us more fully human, created in your image. As N. stands ready to begin dating, help her to remember that she will be learning that love is sacred. May she bring to each new date hope for true friendship. May she listen, and speak, and act with the greatest respect for herself and her companion. May she strive for a relationship that is truthful, patient, courageous, and kind. Above all, may love teach her to love you more and more as, through the Spirit’s care, she grows in the image of your holy child, Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.

  4. Delete prayer #7, A Call to Military Service, BB p. 150, and renumber the prayers that follow.
  5. Revise prayer #8, Going on a Pilgrimage, BB, p. 150, as follows:

    Holy One, you led your people, night and day, by fire and cloud, so lead N. (N., N.,) by the light of your love. Go before him to prepare a safe path. Stay beside him to instill purpose and joy in his mission. Follow after him to leave peace in the wake of wherever he has stayed. Give your angels charge over his journey. At his returning, may all he has seen be engraved on his heart, and his sense of home enlarged for ever; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Guide. Amen.

  6. Delete prayer #10, For Godly Expression of One’s Sexuality, BB p. 150.
  7. Revise the last line of the opening acclamation, BB pp. 151, 155, 167, as follows: “Praise to the Spirit who leads us in love.”
  8. Revise the title “Celebrating an Engagement” (The Blessing of a Betrothal), BB p. 158, as follows: “The Blessing of a Betrothal.”
  9. Substitute the following text for the entire rite on BB pp. 158-160:

    The couple gather in the church or other suitable place with family, friends, and members of the congregation.

    If the rite is celebrated at the Sunday Eucharist, the Ministry of the Word is celebrated in the usual manner, with the propers appointed for the Sunday. The Prayers of the People include intercession for the couple among the concerns of the local community. The Blessing of a Betrothal takes place immediately after the Prayers of the People, and the rite is followed immediately by the Peace.

    If the rite is not celebrated at the Sunday Eucharist, it begins as follows

    Presider Blessed be God who has brought us to this day.
    People Blessed be the God of all our days.
    Presider Thanks be to Jesus who restores us to wholeness.
    People Thanks be to Jesus in whose death is our life.
    Presider Praise to the Spirit who calls us to service.
    People Praise to the Spirit who leads us in love.

    A hymn, psalm, or suitable song may be sung.

    One or more passages of Scripture selected by the couple may be read. If there is to be a Communion, a passage from the Gospel always concludes the readings. Suitable passages include

    Ruth 1:16b-17a

    Song of Solomon 2:1-3a, 4

    Psalm 100

    Psalm 117

    Romans 13:9-13

    1 John 4:7-8

    John 15:9-12

    The Presider then addresses the People in these or similar words

    Dear friends: N.N. and N.N. have come asking our witness and prayers as they publicly declare their intention to marry [on___]. In this time of betrothal, they have entrusted themselves to one another, and all are called to respect the bounds of their relationship. I invite N. and N. to come forward now, that we may hear their promises to one another.

    The couple stand before the Presider, who asks them

    Is either of you now promised to another?

    The man and woman respond together

    I am not.

    The Presider turns to the woman and says

    N., is it your will and intention to marry this man, N., who stands here before you?

    The woman responds

    It is.

    The Presider says to the man

    N., is it your will and intention to marry this woman, N., who stands here before you?

    The man responds

    It is.

    Here the couple may read aloud and then sign the Declaration of Intention. If they do not sign the Declaration at this time, they shall do so in the context of their canonically required instruction as to the nature, meaning, and purpose of Holy Matrimony.

    The Presider asks the people

    Will you recognize this couple, and support and pray for them during this time of engagement?

    The People respond

    We will.

    If an engagement ring has already been presented, the Presider takes the woman’s left hand and blesses that ring, using the prayer of blessing below. When desired, a mutual exchange of rings may be made, or some other suitable symbol of commitment may be used in place of the engagement ring(s). If a ring or other symbol is to be given during this service, the Presider first says these or similar words

    From of old, the chief sign of betrothal has been the giving and receiving of a ring. N., is it your intention to give N. a ring as a symbol of your commitment?

    The man responds

    It is.

    The man places an engagement ring on the left hand of the woman.

    The Presider then blesses the ring (or other symbol) in these or similar words

    Loving God, sanctify this sign of the intention of N. and N. to be joined together in holy matrimony. Bless and sustain them in their commitment to each other, that they may return before you to fulfill this solemn pledge, through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The Presider continues

    Let us pray for N. and N. and the pledge they have made.


    Blessed are you, Lord our God. You give abundant joy to N. and N. Pour out your grace upon them, and bring them to the day of their wedding in safety and peace. We pray in the name of Christ our Savior. Amen.

    The Presider says to the couple

    Greet each other with a holy kiss.

    The couple greet each other, after which the Peace may be exchanged throughout the congregation. When communion is to follow, the liturgy continues with the Offertory, at which the couple may present the offerings of bread and wine.

    Preface of the Season

  10. Add title for prayer #12 to the list at the top of BB p. 161, and add title and body of prayer at the bottom of BB p. 162:

    Beginning or Resuming a Dating Relationship

    Our greatest joy in life, O God, is to love. We thank you for showing us through Jesus that loving one another makes us more fully human, created in your image. As N. stands ready to begin [resume] dating, help her to remember that love is sacred. May she bring to each new date hope for a true friendship. May she listen, and speak, and act with the greatest respect for herself and her companion. May she strive for a relationship that is truthful, patient, courageous, and kind. Above all, may love teach her to love you more and more as, through the Spirit’s care, she grows in the image of Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.

  11. Replace prayer #6, Surviving a Tragedy, BB p. 162, with the following text:

    Loving Father, you comfort us in times of affliction: Our sister N. has suffered a great tragedy and needs your healing. Send your Holy Spirit to soothe the anger, fear, and sorrow of her broken heart. In the darkness of this moment, shine the light of your radiant love. Be her companion in her grief. In her pain, make her strong in courage, dry her tears, mend her heart, and gently call her to newness of life. We thank you for the assurance of your love, shown in your Son Jesus, who suffered for us, died and rose again to prepare our place in your eternal home. Amen.

  12. Immediately before the section Prayers and a Rite for Remembering the Departed, BB p. 173, add the following section:

    Prayers for National Service

    Upon Entering Military Service

    Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and on earth: hear our prayers for N. as he enters military service. Be present with him, his family, and his community in this transition. Guide and govern him by your good Spirit. Protect him from evil, and lead us all into your peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Upon Deployment

    God our Rock and Refuge: we commend to you gracious care N., N., and N., who are being deployed in the service of our nation. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to endure the perils which they may face; and grant that wherever they go, they may be assured of your abiding presence; through Christ our Savior. Amen.

    For a Family Farewell to a Deployed Member

    To be prayed by family members in church or at the place of parting

    Into your hands, most merciful Savior, we place our beloved N., asking you to be his tower of safety and strength, his comfort and refuge in danger. Watch over him wherever he goes. Stand at his side in battle; keep him safe from enemy and accident. Defend him, waking and sleeping. Bless him as he travels, and let our love be an anchor and a joy for him through the time we are apart; and then, return him to us in safety. We ask this in your Holy Name. Amen.

    For the Family Separated during Military Service

    God, the fountain of all mercy, your love is made known to us in the love of others: surround this family with the support and care of our community as they watch and wait for N.’s return; grant them patience, hope, and quiet confidence, until the time of reunion; through Christ we pray. Amen.

    For Transfer or Change of Duty Station

    Merciful God, be present with this community, and with N.N., and N. [and their families] at their change of duty [transfer]. Guide and protect them in their new responsibilities. Surround us with your eternal presence as some go and others stay. In your Holy Name we pray. Amen.

    Upon Return from Deployment

    Almighty God, giver of every good gift: we praise and thank you for the return of N. from deployment. Be present as he strives to renew relationships and re-enter this community. Guide and guard him and us in this season of change. Wherever there is anxiety, pain, or hardship, bring healing through your grace and mercy. This we ask for your love’s sake. Amen.

    For Veterans

    Lord our God, look favorably on [N.N. and all] those who have served this nation in our armed forces. We thank you for your presence with them in their service. Help them and us to remember their fallen comrades, that the sacrifices we honor this day may never be forgotten. Let the light of liberty and the love of justice and mercy burn brightly in the heart of this nation, through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

    Upon Conscientious Objection to Military Service

    Christ our Savior, Prince of Peace: Give to N. strength and courage to follow you in the path of nonviolence and embrace the disciplines of peace; for your mercy’s sake. Amen.

    For Alternative Service

    Everliving God, in whom we live and move and have our being: be present with N. in her commitment to conscientious service, and lead and guide her in your ways. Grant this for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    For National or Mission Service

    Lord Christ, you came among us as one who served: send your Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen N., who is answering a call to service. Give him courage to persevere, and vision to see you present in all whom he serves; for you love and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Columbus, 2006 (New York: General Convention, 2007), pp. 677-682.