Full Legislative History
Resolution Number: 2009-A096
Title: Propose Additional Calendar Commemorations
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention propose revised and additional commemorations in the Calendar of the Church Year, as set forth in the Calendar in Holy Women, Holy Men: Celebrating the Saints; found on pages 272-283 of the Blue Book, with the following corrections:

  • Page 273, February 21, John Henry Newman: priest, not bishop
  • Page 275, April 30, Sarah Josepha Buell Hale: not Josephine
  • Page 278, July 14, Samson Occom: Occum (correct spelling)
  • Page 278, July 30, Anthony Ashley Cooper: remove hyphen
  • Page 282, November 24, Juan de la Cruz: delete
  • Page 283, December 14: add Juan de la Cruz
  • Page 283, December 14, Henry Budd: move to December 22 (date of his ordination); and authorize trial use thereof for the triennium 2010-2012; and be it further

Resolved, That the 76th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music and the Program Officer for Worship and Spirituality to develop and implement a plan for trial use that includes a proactive approach to soliciting intentional utilization and feedback by a variety of congregations throughout the Church, with a timeline that will permit the SCLM to prepare a report and proposed revisions for presentation to the 77th General Convention. Information to be sought shall include the suitability of persons proposed for commemoration, the wording of collects and the appropriateness of proposed passages from the Scriptures.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Anaheim, 2009 (New York: General Convention, 2009), p. 618.