33 resolutions were found matching the query conditions.

Resolution Number Title Legislative Action Taken Abstract
2022-A001 Consider Sites for the 82nd General Convention Concurred as Amended The 80th General Convention directs that Phoenix, Orlando, Charlotte, Pittsburgh, and San Juan be considered as sites for the 2027 General Convention and that the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements consider the physical and emotional well-being of all Church members during the selection process.
2022-D054 On the Topic of Locating General Convention Based on Access to Reproductive Health Care Rejected The 80th General Convention rejects a resolution to consider relocating the 81st General Convention, as well as all future conventions, to venues that commit to an equitable access to women’s health care, including reproductive health care.
2022-D076 On the Topic of Addressing the Ongoing Harm of Crisis Pregnancy Centers Rejected The 80th General Convention rejects a resolution apologizing for the Church’s support of Crisis Pregnancy Centers and denouncing their work.
2022-D083 Affirm the Reproductive Rights and Autonomy of All Episcopalians Concurred The 80th General Convention affirms all Episcopalians should be able to access abortion services and birth control without restriction.
2009-A088 Authorize "Rachel's Tears, Hannah's Hopes" in the Enriching our Worship Series Concurred as Amended The 76th General Convention authorizes the use of a post-abortion healing service, "Rachel's Tears, Hannah's Hopes", as changed, under the direction of the ecclesiastical authority.
2006-C048 On the Topic of Rescinding an Executive Action Rejected
2003-D047 Develop Liturgies on Pregnancy Loss and Childbirth Concurred as Substituted The 74th General Convention directs the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to develop liturgies supplemental to "Burial of a Child" (Enriching Our Worship 2), that respond to the pastoral needs of those who have experienced trauma during the childbirth process.
2000-D083 Support Ministry to Those Suffering from Post-Abortion Stress Concurred as Amended The 73rd General Convention expresses concern for and supports ministry to those suffering from post abortion stress.
2000-D090 Request a Study of Beginning of Life Issues Concurred as Substituted The 73rd General Convention commends the End of Life Task Force and requests a study of beginning of life issues.
2000-D104 Affirm Adoption and Support Legislation on Adoption Counseling Concurred as Amended The 73rd General Convention affirms adoption and supports legislation on adoption counseling.
1997-A032 On the Topic of the Norms of Sexual Conduct Rejected The 72nd General Convention rejects a resolution on the norms of sexual conduct.
1997-D065 Express Grave Concern Over Misuse of Partial Birth Abortion Concurred as Substituted The 72nd General Convention expresses concern over misuse of partial birth abortion and encourages dioceses and congregations to support all pregnant women.
1994-A054 Reaffirm General Convention Statement on Childbirth and Abortion Concurred As Substituted and Amended The 71st General Convention reaffirms Resolution 1988-C047 of the 69th General Convention on childbirth and abortion stressing the sacredness of human life. It expresses opposition to governmental restrictions on information or access to abortion.
1994-D091 Deplore Practice of Forced Abortions and Sterilization in China Concurred As Amended The 71st General Convention expresses its condemnation of the practice of forced abortions and sterilization in the People's Republic of China and urges the U.S. government to consider all requests for political asylum by pregnant Chinese citizens and their families.
1994-D105 Commend the Work of Pregnancy Care Centers Concurred As Amended The 71st General Convention commends Church members who minister through pregnancy care centers which stress unconditional love and acceptance for women and their unborn children.
1991-A096 Continue Discussion on the Use of Fetal Tissue for Research Use Concurred As Amended The 70th General Convention rejects the use of fetal tissues for therapeutic or medical research usage.
1991-C021 On the Topic of Termination of Pregnancy Rejected The 70th General Convention rejects the resolution opposing governmental action which limits a woman's decision to terminate pregnancy.
1991-C037 Oppose Legislation Requiring Parental Consent for Termination of Pregnancy Concurred As Substituted The 70th General Convention states its opposition to legislative efforts to require parental notification or consent when minor women seek a safe means of abortion.
1988-A089 Promote Use of Materials on Human Sexuality and Abortion for All Age Groups Concurred As Substituted and Amended The 69th General Convention calls for the use of materials on human sexuality, birth control, family planning and abortion as part of the Church's Christian education curricula and encourages support of school programs in sex education.
1988-B016 Amend and Renumber Canon I.1 as follows:
Canon I.1.2 [Substitute (n) 4: Standing Commission on Health]
Canon I.1.2 [Add (n) 5: Standing Commission on Human Affairs]
Concurred As Substituted The 69th General Convention amends Canon Title I.1.1 in order to separate the Standing Commission on Human Affairs and Health into two standing commissions.
1988-C007 Support the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Concurred As Amended The 69th General Convention supports the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.
1988-C047 Adopt a Statement on Childbirth and Abortion Concurred As Amended The 69th General Convention adopts a statement on childbirth and abortion stressing the sacredness of human life.
1988-D124 Condemn Acts of Violence Against Abortion Facilities and Their Clients Concurred The 69th General Convention condemns actions of violence against abortion clinics.
1985-A085 Request Dioceses to Study the Implications of Abortion Concurred As Amended The 68th General Convention requests dioceses to initiate studies on abortion.
1985-D021 Examine and Report on Forms of Violence in Church and Society Concurred As Amended The 68th General Convention commits itself during the next triennium to raising awareness among Episcopalians about violence.
1985-D022 Encourage the Elimination of Violence at Reproductive Health Clinics Concurred As Amended The 68th General Convention encourages efforts to eliminate violence at reproductive health care facilities.
1982-A065 Condemn Use of Abortion for Gender Selection and Non-serious Abnormalities Concurred As Amended The 67th General Convention condemns abortion for the purpose of sex selection and for nonserious abnormalities in the fetus.
1982-B009 Reaffirm the Church's Guidelines on the Termination of Pregnancy Concurred As Substituted and Amended The 67th General Convention reaffirms the principles and guidelines concerning an individual's right to reach an informed decision in the matter of abortion.
1982-D068 On the Topic of Views on Abortion Rejected The 67th General Convention rejects the resolution supporting those discriminated against for views on abortion.
1982-D121 On the Topic of Abortion Rejected The 67th General Convention rejects the presented resolution on the topic of abortion.
1979-B078 Develop a Plan for Counseling and Education on Abortion Concurred As Amended The 66th General Convention requests the Executive Council to develop and implement plans for counseling and education on abortion.
1976-D095 Reaffirm the 1967 General Convention Statement on Abortion Concurred As Amended The 65th General Convention adopts a statement of principles and guidelines concerning family planning and abortion.
1973-D092 Recommend Study of the Continuum of Human Life Report and Request Ecumenical Approach Concurred as Amended The 64th General Convention recommends study of a paper of the Joint Commission on the Church in Human Affairs and requests the Joint Commission on Religion and Health to open ecumenical conversations regarding abortion, euthanasia, and related decisions affecting the continuum human life.
Resolution Number Title Legislative Action Taken Abstract