6 resolutions were found matching the query conditions.

Resolution Number Title Legislative Action Taken Abstract
2018-D077 Advocate for Repeal of Death Penalty Concurred as Amended The 79th General Convention reaffirms its support for repeal of the death penalty and requests the reduction of existing death sentences to a lesser sentence, and calls on all members of the church to advocate for legislation abolishing capital punishment.
2015-D025 Abolish the Death Penalty Concurred as Amended The 78th General Convention reaffirms its call to end the death penalty and urges legislation for the elimination of the death penalty in all states where it is still legal.
2000-A082 Reaffirm Opposition to the Death Penalty and Call for a Moratorium Concurred as Amended The 73rd General Convention reaffirms its opposition to the death penalty and calls for a moratorium on the use of capital punishment.
2000-A083 Urge Study of the Death Penalty and Explore Reasons for Opposition Concurred as Substituted The 73rd General Convention urges parishes and dioceses to study the death penalty and explore the reason for the Church's opposition.
1991-D056 Reaffirm Opposition to Capital Punishment Concurred As Amended The 70th General Convention reaffirms its position opposing capital punishment. It deplores the expansion of capital offenses by federal legislative action and supports initiatives to establish alternatives to incarceration and to reduce recidivism.
1979-D004 Reaffirm Opposition to Capital Punishment Concurred As Substituted and Amended The 66th General Convention reaffirms its opposition to capital punishment and calls on all dioceses and individual Church members to work actively to abolish the death penalty.
Resolution Number Title Legislative Action Taken Abstract