51 resolutions were found matching the query conditions.
Resolution Number | Title | Legislative Action Taken | Abstract |
2022-A056 | Appoint a Task Force on Communion Across Difference | Concurred | The 80th General Convention directs the appointment of a second Task Force on Communion Across Difference to continue to develop further tools for engaging Church members and commends to dioceses, parishes, and church-wide staff the Task Force’s existing Conversation Tool. |
2022-D026 | Create a Task Force on LBGTQ+ Inclusion | Concurred as Amended | The 80th General Convention directs the creation of a Task Force on LGBTQ+ Inclusion to audit the Church’s commitment to provide full and equal claim to the love, acceptance, and pastoral care of the Church to its LGBTQ+ members. |
2022-D045 | Support the Protection of LGBTQI+ Refugees and Asylum Seekers | Concurred | The 80th General Convention requests that the Episcopal Migration Ministries highlight the issues surrounding LGBTQI+ refugees and offer information on ways congregations may support them. |
2022-D060 | Support LGBTQ Persons Facing Additional Discrimination During COVID-19 | Concurred | The 80th General Convention laments the harm done to LGBTQ persons during COVID-19 restrictions and urges the Office of Global Partnerships, dioceses, and congregations to condemn this discrimination and offer support to those helping persons who have suffered, and continue to suffer, harm. |
2022-D092 | Address the Exclusion of Same-Sex Spouses from Lambeth 2022 | Concurred | The 80th General Convention expresses dismay to the Most Reverend and Right Honorable Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, at the exclusion of same-sex spouses of LGBTQ+ bishops from Lambeth Conference 2022 and calls on him to acknowledge the value of diversity and the inclusion of LGBTQ+ bishops and their families for the good of the Body of Christ. |
2015-A051 | Support LGBTI Advocacy in Africa | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention affirms the dignity and humanity of LGBTI persons in Africa and advocates for prayers and partnerships with African Anglicans who work on their behalf. |
2015-A054 | Authorize Trial Use of Marriage and Blessing Rites in "Liturgical Resources I" | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention authorizes for trial use liturgies contained in Liturgical Resources I: I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing, Revised and Expanded 2015 while acknowledging the canonical provisions and theological diversity of the Church in matters of human sexuality. |
2015-C037 | Support and Sponsor Boy Scouts of America Units | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention commends the Boy Scouts of America non-discrimination policy for youth members, encourages congregations to support scouting units, and urges a non-discrimination policy for adult leaders. |
2015-D028 | Oppose Therapists Engaged in Changing Sexual Identity | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention supports legislation to ban licensed therapists who attempt to change sexual orientation or gender identity. |
2012-A049 | Authorize Liturgical Resources for Blessing Same-Sex Relationships | Concurred as Amended | The 77th General Convention commends revisions to "Liturgical Resources I: I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing" for the Church’s use in witnessing and blessing of a lifelong covenant in same-sex relationships. |
2012-A050 | Create a Task Force on the Study of Marriage | Concurred as Substituted | The 77th General Convention directs that a task force be appointed to explore dimensions of marriage by consulting with couples living in marriage and other lifelong committed relationships, and with single adults, and with other churches; and requests the task force to develop tools for theological discussion at a local level. |
2012-D011 | Urge Equal Application of Immigration Law to Same-Sex Partners | Concurred | The 77th General Convention urges enactment of law allowing same-sex legal domestic partners and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to seek resident status, and solicits support from dioceses and congregations for this reform. |
2012-D018 | Urge Repeal of Federal Laws Discriminating Against Same-Sex Marriage | Concurred as Substituted | The 77th General Convention urges the U.S. Congress to repeal federal laws that discriminate against same-sex, civilly married couples; and to pass legislation providing benefits to those couples. |
2009-C023 | Refer a Resolution on Civil Statutes Defining Marriage | Referred | The 76th General Convention refers to a Standing Commission a resolution calling on Congress to repeal the "Defense of Marriage" statute and to oppose similar legislation elsewhere. |
2009-C056 | Develop Liturgies for Blessings Unions and Provide Generous Pastoral Response | Concurred as Substituted and Amended | The 76th General Convention requests the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to develop resources on blessings of same gender relationships; and authorizes bishops to provide a pastoral response to the relationships of all Church members. |
2009-D025 | Reaffirm Participation in the Anglican Communion and Acknowledge Differences | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention recognizes the value of the experience of homosexual persons, of same-sex couples who are members, the call of these persons to ordained ministry, and that Christians of good conscience may disagree on these matters. |
2009-D076 | Urge Immigration Equality for Same-Sex Couples | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention urges the government to assure immigration equality for same-sex couples seeking permanent residence status. |
2006-A095 | Reaffirm Support of Gay and Lesbian Persons | Concurred | The 75th General Convention reaffirms the Episcopal Church's historical support of gay and lesbian persons. |
2006-A163 | Affirm Pastoral Care for All Members of the Church | Concurred as Amended | The 75th General Convention affirms pastoral care for all members of the Church and commits to the engagement of all people of God – in particular those who feel isolated by the actions of this body. |
2006-A167 | Reaffirm Church Membership of Gay and Lesbian Persons | Concurred as Amended | The 75th General Convention reaffirms the Church membership of gay and lesbian persons. |
2006-D005 | Oppose Criminalization of Homosexuality | Concurred as Amended | The 75th General Convention declares efforts to criminalize homosexual behavior are incompatible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Lambeth resolutions and the Primates' statement. It commends Brazil for its efforts to extend the protections of the U.N.'s Declaration on Human Rights to include gay and lesbian people. |
2003-C051 | Consider Blessing Committed, Same-Gender Relationships | Concurred as Substituted and Amended | The 74th General Convention discusses the blessing of committed, same-gender relationships. |
2000-A009 | Identify "Safe Spaces" for Lesbians and Gays | Concurred as Amended | The 73rd General Convention requests that Executive Council establish a formal process for identifying "safe spaces" for lesbians and gays in this Church and that the Presiding Bishop's staff encourage the same within the Anglican Communion. |
2000-C021 | On the Topic of a Definition of "Sexual Equality" | Rejected | The 73rd General Convention rejects a resolution in support of the statement entitled, "Sexual Equality as Understood by the Church." |
2000-C029 | Urge Congress to Enact Hate Crimes Legislation | Concurred as Amended | The 73rd General Convention urges Congress to include crimes against persons on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, and disability as grounds for federal prosecution of a hate crime. |
2000-C043 | Affirm and Endorse The Cambridge Accord | Concurred as Amended | The 73rd General Convention affirms and endorses The Cambridge Accord. |
2000-D039 | Acknowledge Relationships Other Than Marriage and Existence of Disagreement | Concurred as Substituted and Amended | The 73rd General Convention affirms the variety of human relationships in and outside of marriage and acknowledges disagreement over the Church's traditional teaching on human sexuality. |
1997-C002 | On the Topic of Rites for the Blessing of Same-Sex Relationships | Rejected | The 72nd General Convention rejects a resolution concerning rites for blessing same-sex relationships. |
1997-C003 | Affirm Traditional Marriage and Request Study of Same-Sex Relationships | Concurred as Substituted | The 72nd General Convention affirms traditional Christian marriage and requests continued study of the theological aspects of committed relationships of same-sex couples. |
1997-C005 | On the Topic of CPF Benefits for Same-Sex Partners | Rejected | The 72nd General Convention rejects a resolution concerning Church Pension Fund benefits for same-sex partners. |
1997-D011 | Apologize for the Church's Rejection of Gays and Lesbians | Concurred As Amended | The 72nd General Convention apologizes for the Church's rejection and maltreatment of gays and lesbians. |
1994-C019 | Reaffirm Resolution on Equal Protection Under Law for Homosexuals | Concurred As Substituted and Amended | The 71st General Convention reaffirms the 1976 resolution that homosexual persons are entitled to full protection under law. |
1994-C026 | Address Youth Suicide and Conflicts Over Sexuality | Concurred As Amended | The 71st General Convention calls Church members to address youth suicide and runaways resulting from conflicts over sexuality. It encourages dioceses and congregations to use educational materials directed to parents and directs the preparation of educational material to help youth understand their sexuality. |
1994-C042 | Prepare Report Considering Rites for Same-Sex Commitments | Concurred As Substituted and Amended | The 71st General Convention directs the preparation of a report on the theological foundations and pastoral considerations of rites honoring love and commitment between persons of the same sex. It directs that no rites be developed unless authorized by the General Convention. |
1994-D006 | Call on US Government to Extend Benefits to Gay and Lesbian Couples | Concurred As Amended | The 71st General Convention calls upon government bodies to approve measures giving gay and lesbian couples the same civil protections enjoyed by non-gay married couples. |
1991-D011 | On the Topic of Human Sexuality | Rejected | The 70th General Convention rejects the resolution urging the education of the Church in areas of human sexuality. |
1988-A085 | Decry Violence Against Homosexuals and Urge Law Enforcement | Concurred | The 69th General Convention condemns violence against homosexual persons and calls upon law enforcement officials to prosecute guilty persons to the fullest extent of the law. |
1988-A090 | Commend Study of Lutheran Document on Homosexuality | Concurred | The 69th General Convention commends for use the Lutheran study guide entitled, A Study of Issues Concerning Homosexuality: Report of the Advisory Committee of Issues Relating to Homosexuality. |
1988-D100 | Decry Violence Against Homosexuals | Concurred As Amended | The 69th General Convention decries violence against homosexual persons and calls upon law enforcement officials to prosecute the perpetrators of these acts to the fullest extent of the law. |
1988-D102 | Continue Work and Consultation on Questions of Human Sexuality | Concurred As Amended | The 69th General Convention thanks the Commission on Human Affairs and Health for its work in the area of human sexuality and asks it to continue. |
1988-D105 | Refer a Resolution on a Study of Homosexuality | Referred | The 69th General Convention refers the resolution on a study of homosexuality to an interim body. |
1988-D106 | Refer a Resolution on a Staff Officer for Gay and Lesbian Ministries | Referred | The 69th General Convention refers the resolution on a staff officer for gay and lesbian ministries to an interim body. |
1988-D120 | Urge Local Discussion and Report on Human Sexuality | Concurred As Substituted and Amended | The 69th General Convention affirms teachings on chastity and fidelity in personal relationships and urges dioceses and congregations to provide opportunities for open dialogue on human sexuality. |
1988-D132 | Support Exploration of Causes of Suicide Among Gay and Lesbian Youth | Concurred As Amended | The 69th General Convention pledges pastoral support for suffering gay and lesbian youth, recognizes that many gay and lesbian children are driven to suicide, and requests that information on the diverse dimensions of suicide be distributed. |
1988-D171 | Request the Diocese of Sydney to Reconsider Action Relating to Homosexuals | Rejected | The 69th General Convention rejects the resolution requesting the Diocese of Sydney to reconsider its action relating to homosexuals. |
1985-D082 | Urge Dioceses to Reach a Better Understanding of Homosexuality | Concurred As Substituted | The 68th General Convention urges each diocese to foster a better understanding of homosexual persons. |
1982-B061 | Reaffirm the Civil Rights of Homosexuals | Concurred | The 67th General Convention reaffirms the stance that homosexual persons are children of God and are entitled to full civil rights. |
1979-C035 | Express Gratitude to Groups Ministering to Homosexuals | Concurred As Substituted | The 66th General Convention expresses gratitude for the work of all those groups which are ministering pastorally among homosexual persons. |
1976-A068 | Recommend That the Church Study Aspects of Human Sexuality | Concurred As Amended | The 65th General Convention recommends that the Church engage in study and dialogue in the area of human sexuality. |
1976-A069 | Recognize the Equal Claims of Homosexuals | Concurred | The 65th General Convention recognizes that homosexual persons are children of God who have an equal claim upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral care of the Church. |
1976-A071 | Support the Right of Homosexuals to Equal Protection of the Law | Concurred | The 65th General Convention expresses its conviction that homosexual persons are entitled to equal protection of the laws with all other citizens. |
Resolution Number | Title | Legislative Action Taken | Abstract |