3 resolutions were found matching the query conditions.

Resolution Number Title Legislative Action Taken Abstract
1982-A039 Endorse a Commission on Marriages Between Episcopalians and Roman Catholics Concurred As Amended The 67th General Convention endorses the proposal to establish a joint commission of Episcopalians and Roman Catholics to develop a standard pattern for pastoral ministry to ecumenical marriages. It directs the Ecumenical Commission to select members of this Church to serve on this body.
1982-A069 Encourage Dioceses to Establish Commissions on Marriage Concurred The 67th General Convention encourages dioceses to establish commissions on marriage to study current diocesan policies and practices concerning matrimony.
1982-A071 On the Topic of Matrimonial Instruction Rejected The 67th General Convention rejects a resolution on matrimonial instruction to one who is unbaptized.
Resolution Number Title Legislative Action Taken Abstract