Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Digital Archive for General Convention Resolution 2009-C056

Resources for the Church-Wide Consultation, March 18-19, 2011.

The Commission invited each diocese of The Episcopal Church to send one clergy and one lay deputy to the Consultation. Attendees included 184 deputies from 96 dioceses as well as members of the Standing Commission and the C056 Task Group, support staff, and three ecumenical guests.

As stated in the “Goals” document within the packet, the purpose of the Consultation was threefold:

  • to inform the deputies about the Commission’s work on Resolution C056;
  • to engage the deputies in theological reflection and solicit their feedback about this work; and
  • to equip the deputies to report to their dioceses and continue the reflection.

It is important to note that, because the Consultation served an advisory function to the C056 task groups, the information presented to the deputies (and reproduced here) reflects work in progress.

Meeting Materials Associated with the Church-Wide Consultation
Various authors: Atlanta, Georgia, March 18-19, 2011.

Webcast Recording of the Consultation Meeting in Atlanta, March 18-19, 2011.

Return to SCLM 2009-C056

Last update May 11, 2011

Retired March 4, 2021