60 resolutions were found matching the query conditions.
Resolution Number | Title | Legislative Action Taken | Abstract |
2022-A127 | Create Commission to Research Church's Historic Role in Indigenous Boarding Schools | Concurred as Substituted | The 80th General Convention commits to the work of truth-telling and reconciliation concerning the Church’s historic role in Indigenous residential boarding schools. |
2022-A140 | Urge Designation of Indigenous Peoples’ Day | Concurred | The 80th General Convention urges all Episcopal entities to designate a day honoring our Indigenous ancestors and to observe Indigenous People’s Day. |
2022-A141 | Create a Task Force on Indigenous Liturgy and Develop Liturgical Resources | Concurred | The 80th General Convention calls for a Task Force on Indigenous Liturgy to document and develop culturally appropriate liturgical materials for use in Native and Indigenous faith communities. |
2022-C072 | Develop and Implement Indigenous Land Acknowledgment Liturgies | Concurred as Amended | The 80th General Convention urges each Diocese of The Episcopal Church to develop and implement liturgies and prayers that acknowledge that their churches and buildings occupy the ancestral and territorial homelands of Indigenous peoples. |
2022-D019 | Acknowledge Indigenous Lands at DFMS Gatherings | Concurred | The 80th General Convention promotes the acknowledgment of Indigenous lands at all gatherings within the DFMS and its affiliate organizations. |
2022-D070 | Advocate for Policies Addressing Inequities in the Lives of Native Peoples | Concurred | The 80th General Convention directs the Office of Government Relations to advocate for legislation, funding, and services which address the inequities affecting the quality of life of Native Peoples and urges congregations and dioceses to engage in local and state advocacy. |
2022-D080 | Empower The Episcopal Church in Navajoland in the Selection of a Bishop | Concurred as Substituted | The 80th General Convention directs the Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons to evaluate means by which The Episcopal Church in Navajoland may select a bishop that reflects the values, teachings and traditions of the Diné. |
2018-B008 | Cooperate with Stewardship Study of Faith Communities of Color | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention commends the Collective Foundation for its project Research On Giving by Faith Communities of Color, and urges Episcopal bodies to cooperate with and support that ongoing project. |
2018-C064 | Support Tribal Opposition to a Minnesota Pipeline | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention reaffirms the repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery and the sovereignty of First Nations over territorial resources, and echoes the concerns of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe regarding the threatening placement of a crude oil pipeline across the Lake Reservation in Minnesota. |
2018-D010 | Create an Indigenous Theological Education Coordinator Position | Concurred | The 79th General Convention creates an Indigenous Theological Education Coordinator staff position to develop educational resources for Indigenous lay and ordained leaders. |
2018-D011 | Reaffirm Clergy Training on the Doctrine of Discovery | Concurred as Amended | The 79th General Convention reaffirms its directives that ordinands receive a minimum of four hours of training on the Doctrine of Discovery, directs the appointment of trainers under the Indigenous Ministries Office’s supervision, and encourages seminaries to offer such training. |
2015-A025 | Authorize Ministries for At-Risk Teens | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention authorizes the establishment of rapid response to ministries that intervene for at-risk teens, especially with adolescents in indigenous communities. |
2015-A026 | Support for Ministry Development among Native American Men | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention supports dioceses and congregations in the development of ministries for young men in Native American communities. |
2015-A027 | Develop and Support Tribal College Campus Ministry | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention supports efforts to develop ministry for Tribal Colleges and federally-designated educational institutions and asks for a collaborative effort to connect local churches and college campuses. |
2015-A028 | Support Indigenous Theological Training and Education | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention supports existing Indigenous ministry training programs of the Episcopal Church and directs greater collaboration with twenty dioceses and others on the purposes of theological education. |
2015-C053 | Support Subsistence Rights of Indigenous Cultures | Concurred as Amended | The 78th General Convention calls for policy recommendations and strategies to support subsistence rights and access to traditional native food sources by Indigenous cultures. |
2012-A086 | Address Community Development Opportunities in Native Communities | Concurred as Amended | The 77th General Convention commends implementation of a community development initiative to address the economic, health care, and other needs of the poor and working poor in US Native Communities. |
2012-A128 | Examine Impact of Doctrine of Discovery | Concurred as Amended | The 77th General Convention directs all dioceses, in cooperation with archivists and historians, to document how the now-repudiated Doctrine of Discovery has affected Church life in the Church, particularly in its treatment of people of color. |
2012-A129 | Increase Aid for Ministry with Native Peoples | Concurred | The 77th General Convention requests a budget increase for four dioceses with Native Peoples ministry. |
2012-A131 | Express Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples | Concurred as Amended | The 77th General Convention supports protecting Indigenous Peoples’ lands, languages, and traditions by repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery, and calls for a broad range of advocacy measures that give priority to the rights, culture, and theological reflection of Indigenous Peoples. |
2012-A132 | Protect Indigenous Peoples’ Sacred Sites | Concurred as Amended | The 77th General Convention calls upon Church entities to help protect Indigenous Peoples’ sacred sites in their communities, particularly in handling Church property and investment; and requests that a task force provide written guidance in these matters. |
2012-A133 | Fund Theological Training for Indigenous Peoples | Concurred as Amended | The 77th General Convention requests funding for theological training for Native leaders in the Episcopal Church at diocesan institutions and in Province IX. |
2012-B023 | Seek Environmental Justice | Concurred as Amended | The 77th General Convention calls for support of policies that provide tangible benefits to communities bearing the greatest burdens of global climate change; for transformation of the world’s energy away from fossil fuels; and for grassroots solutions to climate change. |
2012-C004 | Recommit to Indigenous Peoples’ Ministry | Concurred as Amended | The 77th General Convention renews its commitment to Indigenous Peoples’ ministry. |
2012-D020 | Encourage Ecumenical Gathering of Tribal Elders | Concurred | The 77th General Convention encourages a reconciliation event, in partnership with the Taizé Community and others, on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. |
2009-A147 | Commend the Work of the Anglican Indigenous Network | Concurred | The 76th General Convention commends the work of the Anglican Indigenous Network. |
2009-A148 | Request Funding for Aided Dioceses and the Office of Native Ministries | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention requests a budget increase of 25% to the dioceses of South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, and the Navajoland Area Mission for ministry with Native people; and requests level funding of the Office of Native Ministries. |
2009-A149 | Request Funding for the Indigenous Theological Training Institute | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention requests a budget allocation for support of the Indigenous Theological Training Institute. |
2009-A150 | Endorse the Oklahoma Consultation for Leaders in Indigenous Ministry | Concurred | The 76th General Convention endorses the collaboration between the Committee on Indigenous Ministries and the Indigenous Theological Institute for 2010 Oklahoma Consultation for leaders in Indigenous ministry. |
2009-A152 | Request Study of Burial Sites of Indigenous Peoples | Concurred | The 76th General Convention directs the Committee on Indigenous Ministries to study and report on the preservation of burial sites and other sacred places of Indigenous Peoples. |
2009-A153 | Request Advocacy for Federal Tribal Recognition | Concurred as Amended | The 76th General Convention requests several Church entities to advocate for federal recognition of tribes located in Virginia, Louisiana, New York, Georgia, Hawaii, and Wisconsin. |
2009-A155 | Establish a Community Development Initiative with Native People | Concurred as Substituted and Amended | The 76th General Convention establishes a community development initiative emerging from Native People's communities; requests that the ECC sponsor community development training; and asks Executive Council to carry out a strategic plan for domestic development programs. |
2009-B022 | Endorse the Return of Tribal Artifacts | Concurred | The 76th General Convention endorses the Church and tribal efforts to return Pacific Northwest Tribal artifacts, known as "The Summers Collection," now in the possession of the British Museum. |
2009-D035 | Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery | Concurred as Substituted | The 76th General Convention repudiates the Christian Doctrine of Discovery, and encourages the Church to reflect on their history in light of the doctrine's impact on indigenous peoples; and that the Church advocate on behalf of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. |
2006-D046 | Reaffirm the Jamestown Covenant | Concurred as Amended | The 75th General Convention reaffirms the Jamestown Covenant and designates the decade of 2007 to 2017 as the Second Decade of Remembrance, Recognition and Reconciliation. |
2003-C008 | Reaffirm the "Decade of Remembrance, Recognition, and Reconciliation" | Concurred as Amended | The 74th General Convention reaffirms the designation of the decade 1997–2007 as the "Decade of Remembrance, Recognition, and Reconciliation" for Native Peoples. |
2000-C012 | Allocate Funding for Indigenous Theological Training Institute of North America | Concurred as Amended | The 73rd General Convention supports and allocates funding for the Indigenous Theological Training Institute of North America. |
1997-A034 | Support and Fund the Indigenous Theological Training Institute | Concurred | The 72nd General Convention supports new directions in American Indian leadership training and allocates funds to develop the Indigenous Theological Training Institute. |
1997-A035 | Designate a "Decade of Remembrance, Recognition, and Reconciliation" | Concurred as Amended | The 72nd General Convention designates a "Decade of Remembrance, Recognition, and Reconciliation" with funding to welcome Native Peoples into congregational life. |
1997-D051 | Increase Funding to Dioceses Ministering to Native Americans | Concurred as Amended | The 72nd General Convention increases funding to dioceses ministering to Native Americans and calls for a re-examination of the Church's missionary commitment to Native peoples and ministries. |
1997-D053 | Oppose Commercial Exploitation of Native American Symbols | Concurred As Amended | The 72nd General Convention expresses opposition to commercial exploitation of Native American symbols and spirituality and calls all members to join in boycotting products contributing to this abuse. |
1991-B002 | Support and Commend Efforts of American Indian Ministries | Concurred As Amended | The 70th General Convention supports the continuing work of the Episcopal Council of Indian Ministries. |
1991-C041 | Urge Creation of Government Commission on the Rights of American Indians | Concurred As Substituted | The 70th General Convention urges Congress to create a special commission on treaty and civil rights of American Indians and directs the Episcopal Council of Indian Ministries to advocate for the fair settlement of American Indians' claims and rights. |
1991-D179 | Celebrate the Survival of Native Americans on the Columbus Quincentennial | Concurred | The 70th General Convention calls on the Church to observe the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus in a manner respecting the dignity of Native Americans. |
1988-B003 | Support Proposal to Elect a Bishop for the Church in Navajoland | Concurred | The 69th General Convention expresses support for the life and mission of the Church in Navajoland and its readiness to affirm the election a bishop. |
1988-C007 | Support the Indian Health Care Improvement Act | Concurred As Amended | The 69th General Convention supports the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. |
1988-C009 | Request the Presiding Bishop to Appoint a Panel on the Sioux Nation | Concurred As Amended | The 69th General Convention requests the Presiding Bishop to appoint of a panel to assist the Great Sioux Nation in the recovery of lost treaty rights and in meeting the needs of all Native Americans. |
1985-A175 | Review the Status of the Navajoland Area Ministry | Concurred | The 68th General Convention asks for a review of the Navajoland Area Ministry. |
1985-B007 | Request Church-wide Advocacy of Indian Rights | Concurred As Amended | The 68th General Convention requests Church agencies to advocate Indian treaty rights and the right of Indian Nations to internal autonomy. |
1982-A112 | Urge an Evaluation of Strategy in Support of Indian Ministry | Concurred As Amended | The 67th General Convention urges the Executive Council to evaluate its strategy for supporting Native American ministries and to expand the support of Native Americans in ordained and specialized ministries. |
1982-D109 | Advocate Creation of Employment Opportunities on Indian Reservations | Concurred As Substituted | The 67th General Convention advocates the creation of employment opportunities on Indian reservations. |
1979-B058 | Urge Congress to Establish a Hawaiian Native Claims Commission | Concurred As Substituted | The 66th General Convention urges adoption of legislation by Congress to establish a Hawaiian Native Claims Settlement Commission. |
1979-C051 | Accept Diocesan Action to Cede Jurisdiction for the Navajo Area Mission | Concurred | The 66th General Convention accepts the resolution of the Diocese of the Rio Grande to cede property and jurisdiction to the General Convention for the Navajo Area Mission. |
1976-B175 | Accept Diocesan Lands on Behalf of the Navajo Area Mission | Concurred | The 65th General Convention accepts the cession of portions of the dioceses of Utah and Arizona to form the Navajoland Area Mission. |
1976-D063 | Support Native Indian Claims to Land in Canada | Concurred As Amended | The 65th General Convention supports the Dene People's land claims against Canada and encourages the government of Canada to settle these claims before commencing construction of the MacKenzie Valley Pipeline. |
1973-A099 | Continue Indian/Eskimo Community Development Fund | Concurred | The 64th General Convention continues the Indian/Eskimo Community Development Fund, stipulates that grants be made in coordination with other grant-making organizations, and vests grant-making authority in the National Committee on Indian Work and its regional systems. |
1973-A100 | Support Indian and Eskimo Leadership Training Programs | Concurred as Amended | The 64th General Convention recognizes the importance of Indian and Eskimo leadership training programs, commits to their financial support, and encourages the National Committee on Indian Work to work ecumenically. |
1973-B182 | Establish Staffing for Ethnic and Racial Minority Empowerment Programs | Concurred as Amended | The 64th General Convention approves Executive Council's establishment of a program staff for work among ethnic and racial minorities, with attention to grants addressing Hispanic Affairs, Indian Work, and ministries to Asians, and Black Episcopalians. |
1973-D046 | Confirm the National Committee on Indian Work and a Staff Officer for Indian Affairs | Concurred | The 64th General Convention continues the Executive Officer for Indian Affairs position and the National Committee on Indian Work with current membership until it may be changed to better represent Indians and Eskimos, and directs the Committee meet with Dioceses with significant indigenous populations. |
1973-D102 | Continue Support of Hispanic and Indian Work | Concurred | The 64th General Convention urges continued support of the National Commission on Hispanic Affairs and the National Committee on Indian Work. |
Resolution Number | Title | Legislative Action Taken | Abstract |