2024-C017 |
Amend Canon III.7 to Provide for the Transfer of Deacons to Churches in Communion |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Anglican Communion, Canons |
2024-D052 |
Amend Canon IV.10.3 |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Discipline |
2024-D040 |
Amend Canon IV.13.13 to Provide for Notice of Dismissal |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A106 |
Amend Canon IV.15.5.a |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A057 |
Amend Canon IV.17.6 Regarding Suspension of a Bishop |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A107 |
Amend Canon IV.19.12 |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A052 |
Amend Canon IV.2, Canon IV.4.1.d, and Canon IV.10.3 to Add Restorative Covenant as a Possible Outcome of Conciliation |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A056 |
Amend Canon IV.5.4 on the Election of Members of the Court of Review |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A105 |
Amend Canon IV.5.4.g |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-D025 |
Amend Canon IV.6 Regarding Intake Officers |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A139 |
Amend Canon IV.6.4 - Intake Timeline |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A142 |
Amend Canon IV.6.7 - Copy of Notice |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A140 |
Amend Canon IV.6.8 - Reference Panel |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A104 |
Amend Canon IV.6.9 |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A141 |
Amend Canon IV.6.9 - Monthly Reports |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A066 |
Amend Canon V.1 to create a Custodian for the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Mission Strategy |
2024-A063 |
Amend Canons I.2.2 : Term of Office of the Presiding Bishop |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Presiding Bishop |
2024-A051 |
Amend Canons I.2.4.a Data Collection for the Church |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons |
2024-D064 |
Amend Canons IV.14.12.a and .b; Canon III.7.10; Canon III.9.12; III.12.7.c; and Canon III.12.9.c [Regarding Consistency of Reporting Across Canons] |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A054 |
Amend Canons IV.2, IV.11, IV.12, and IV.13 regarding the Church Attorney |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A055 |
Amend Canons IV.2, IV.11.1, and IV.17.2.e regarding Investigators |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A053 |
Amend Canons IV.2, IV.8.1, and IV.8.5 Regarding the Role of Intake officers |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A058 |
Amend Canons IV.6.8, IV.6.10, and IV.11.3 on Pastoral Response Without Disciplinary Action |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A148 |
Amend Canons to Underscore Support for the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Racism, Reconciliation |
2024-A036 |
Amend Canons to Use Approved Common Terminology to Describe Anti-Racism Work |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Inclusive Language, Racism, Reconciliation |
2024-A043 |
Amend Constitution Article VIII |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Ecumenism |
2024-A143 |
Amend IV.17.3.b and IV.17.5 - Disciplinary Board for Bishops |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A068 |
Amend Joint Rules of Order V.1 |
01 - Rules of Order/Joint |
Appointments/Elections, Rules of Order (Jt.) |
2024-A069 |
Amend Joint Rules of Order V.4.c to Fix a Rounding Error in the Number of Nominees the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations is Required to Nominate |
01 - Rules of Order/Joint |
Appointments/Elections, Rules of Order (Jt.) |
2024-A071 |
Amend the Constitution and Canons Relating to Mergers of Dioceses [Of Admission of New Diocese -- Second Reading] |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, New Dioceses |
2024-A061 |
Amend the Following Canons I.12.3, III.6.6.c, III.8.6.d., III.8.6.7.c., III.10.d, 3, III.11.3.b., and III.11.3.c. based on 2022-A039.11.3.c |
19 - Title III: Ministry |
Canons, Ordination Process |
2024-A004 |
Amend the House of Deputies Rule of Order XV.A.3 to Conform it to Current Practice Regarding the Form of Nominations from the Floor of the House |
01 - Rules of Order/HOD |
Appointments/Elections, House of Deputies, Rules of Order |
2024-A005 |
Amend the House of Deputies Rules of Order by Adding a New Rule VII.F Referral to the Constitutions and Canons Legislative Committee |
01 - Rules of Order/HOD |
General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order |
2024-A047 |
Amend Title I |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Constitution, Ecumenism |
2024-C018 |
Amend Title II, Canon 3 to Retain a Printed Form of the Book of Common Prayer |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Book of Common Prayer, Canons |
2024-D053 |
Amend Title IV to Require Timely Appointments to Church-wide Disciplinary Boards |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Discipline |
2024-A025 |
Amending Canon IV.13.4 |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A149 |
Amending Daily Session Schedule for House of Deputies |
01 - Rules of Order/HOD |
General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order |
2024-A013 |
Amending HoD Rule of Order XIV [Recording Vote Totals in the Journal] |
01 - Rules of Order/HOD |
General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order |
2024-A150 |
Amending the Motion to Suspend the HOD Rules of Order |
01 - Rules of Order/HOD |
General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order |
2024-A090 |
Authorization of 1979 Book of Common Prayer |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Book of Common Prayer, Canons |
2024-A023 |
Authorize and Support the use of the Best Practices Guide and Model Anti-Harassment Policy |
16 - Safety, Wellness and Mental Health |
Safe Church, Sexual Misconduct |
2024-A114 |
Authorize for Use Expansive Language Versions of Eucharistic Prayer C |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Book of Common Prayer, Liturgy |
2024-A119 |
Authorize the Commemoration of Frederick Howden, Jr. -- Second Reading |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Church Calendar |
2024-A118 |
Authorize the Commemoration of Harriet Ross Tubman -- Second Reading |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Church Calendar |
2024-A120 |
Authorize the Commemoration of Simeon Bachos, the Ethiopian Eunuch -- Second Reading |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Church Calendar |
2024-A121 |
Authorize the Commemoration of the Consecration of Barbara Clementine Harris -- Second Reading |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Church Calendar |
2024-A123 |
Authorize the Trial use Commemoration of Adeline Blanchard Tyler and Her Companions -- First Reading |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Church Calendar |
2024-A124 |
Authorize the Trial Use Commemoration of Lili’uokalani of Hawai’i -- First Reading |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Church Calendar, Lesser Feasts/Fasts |
2024-D035 |
Authorize The Witnessing and Blessing of a Marriage |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Liturgy |