This page contains documents relating to resolutions submitted to the 81st General Convention, meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-28, 2024.  For additional research on previous actions or topics considered by General Convention, please contact the Archives using the Research Request Form. Be sure to identify yourself as a Legislative Committee member in order to receive a priority response. The chair of any Legislative Committee may request the posting of supplementary documents provided they are related and historical in nature.

Legislative Committee Secretary Documents


Legislative Research on Proposed Legislation

Note: This page is updated frequently as resolutions are assigned to committees.

Resolution Number Titlesort descending Committee Topic
2024-C017 Amend Canon III.7 to Provide for the Transfer of Deacons to Churches in Communion 02 - Constitution and Canons Anglican Communion, Canons
2024-D052 Amend Canon IV.10.3 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Discipline
2024-D040 Amend Canon IV.13.13 to Provide for Notice of Dismissal 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A106 Amend Canon IV.15.5.a 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A057 Amend Canon IV.17.6 Regarding Suspension of a Bishop 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A107 Amend Canon IV.19.12 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A052 Amend Canon IV.2, Canon IV.4.1.d, and Canon IV.10.3 to Add Restorative Covenant as a Possible Outcome of Conciliation 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A056 Amend Canon IV.5.4 on the Election of Members of the Court of Review 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A105 Amend Canon IV.5.4.g 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-D025 Amend Canon IV.6 Regarding Intake Officers 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A139 Amend Canon IV.6.4 - Intake Timeline 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A142 Amend Canon IV.6.7 - Copy of Notice 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A140 Amend Canon IV.6.8 - Reference Panel 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A104 Amend Canon IV.6.9 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A141 Amend Canon IV.6.9 - Monthly Reports 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A066 Amend Canon V.1 to create a Custodian for the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Mission Strategy
2024-A063 Amend Canons I.2.2 : Term of Office of the Presiding Bishop 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Presiding Bishop
2024-A051 Amend Canons I.2.4.a Data Collection for the Church 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons
2024-D064 Amend Canons IV.14.12.a and .b; Canon III.7.10; Canon III.9.12; III.12.7.c; and Canon III.12.9.c [Regarding Consistency of Reporting Across Canons] 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A054 Amend Canons IV.2, IV.11, IV.12, and IV.13 regarding the Church Attorney 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A055 Amend Canons IV.2, IV.11.1, and IV.17.2.e regarding Investigators 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A053 Amend Canons IV.2, IV.8.1, and IV.8.5 Regarding the Role of Intake officers 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A058 Amend Canons IV.6.8, IV.6.10, and IV.11.3 on Pastoral Response Without Disciplinary Action 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A148 Amend Canons to Underscore Support for the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Racism, Reconciliation
2024-A036 Amend Canons to Use Approved Common Terminology to Describe Anti-Racism Work 02 - Constitution and Canons Inclusive Language, Racism, Reconciliation
2024-A043 Amend Constitution Article VIII 02 - Constitution and Canons Ecumenism
2024-A143 Amend IV.17.3.b and IV.17.5 - Disciplinary Board for Bishops 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A068 Amend Joint Rules of Order V.1 01 - Rules of Order/Joint Appointments/Elections, Rules of Order (Jt.)
2024-A069 Amend Joint Rules of Order V.4.c to Fix a Rounding Error in the Number of Nominees the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations is Required to Nominate 01 - Rules of Order/Joint Appointments/Elections, Rules of Order (Jt.)
2024-A071 Amend the Constitution and Canons Relating to Mergers of Dioceses [Of Admission of New Diocese -- Second Reading] 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, New Dioceses
2024-A061 Amend the Following Canons I.12.3, III.6.6.c, III.8.6.d., III.8.6.7.c., III.10.d, 3, III.11.3.b., and III.11.3.c. based on 2022-A039.11.3.c 19 - Title III: Ministry Canons, Ordination Process
2024-A004 Amend the House of Deputies Rule of Order XV.A.3 to Conform it to Current Practice Regarding the Form of Nominations from the Floor of the House 01 - Rules of Order/HOD Appointments/Elections, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-A005 Amend the House of Deputies Rules of Order by Adding a New Rule VII.F Referral to the Constitutions and Canons Legislative Committee 01 - Rules of Order/HOD General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-A047 Amend Title I 02 - Constitution and Canons Constitution, Ecumenism
2024-C018 Amend Title II, Canon 3 to Retain a Printed Form of the Book of Common Prayer 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Book of Common Prayer, Canons
2024-D053 Amend Title IV to Require Timely Appointments to Church-wide Disciplinary Boards 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Discipline
2024-A025 Amending Canon IV.13.4 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A149 Amending Daily Session Schedule for House of Deputies 01 - Rules of Order/HOD General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-A013 Amending HoD Rule of Order XIV [Recording Vote Totals in the Journal] 01 - Rules of Order/HOD General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-A150 Amending the Motion to Suspend the HOD Rules of Order 01 - Rules of Order/HOD General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-A090 Authorization of 1979 Book of Common Prayer 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Book of Common Prayer, Canons
2024-A023 Authorize and Support the use of the Best Practices Guide and Model Anti-Harassment Policy 16 - Safety, Wellness and Mental Health Safe Church, Sexual Misconduct
2024-A114 Authorize for Use Expansive Language Versions of Eucharistic Prayer C 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Book of Common Prayer, Liturgy
2024-A119 Authorize the Commemoration of Frederick Howden, Jr. -- Second Reading 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar
2024-A118 Authorize the Commemoration of Harriet Ross Tubman -- Second Reading 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar
2024-A120 Authorize the Commemoration of Simeon Bachos, the Ethiopian Eunuch -- Second Reading 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar
2024-A121 Authorize the Commemoration of the Consecration of Barbara Clementine Harris -- Second Reading 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar
2024-A123 Authorize the Trial use Commemoration of Adeline Blanchard Tyler and Her Companions -- First Reading 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar
2024-A124 Authorize the Trial Use Commemoration of Lili’uokalani of Hawai’i -- First Reading 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar, Lesser Feasts/Fasts
2024-D035 Authorize The Witnessing and Blessing of a Marriage 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Liturgy