This page contains documents relating to resolutions submitted to the 81st General Convention, meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-28, 2024.  For additional research on previous actions or topics considered by General Convention, please contact the Archives using the Research Request Form. Be sure to identify yourself as a Legislative Committee member in order to receive a priority response. The chair of any Legislative Committee may request the posting of supplementary documents provided they are related and historical in nature.

Legislative Committee Secretary Documents


Legislative Research on Proposed Legislation

Note: This page is updated frequently as resolutions are assigned to committees.

Resolution Number Titlesort descending Committee Topic
2024-D070 Prayers for Haiti 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Dioceses
2024-A154 Presubmission of Amendments in the House of Deputies 01 - Rules of Order/HOD General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-D073 Procedure for Reconciliation: Amend Canon 1.17.6 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A078 Promote Equity and to Reduce Differences in Mental Health Outcome 16 - Safety, Wellness and Mental Health Health
2024-A034 Promoting Equitable Formation for Future Church Leaders through Dismantling Racism and Achieving Racial Justice and Healing Education in Seminaries and Schools of Theological Education 11 - Formation and Discipleship Racism, Seminaries, Theological Education
2024-A108 Proposal of Changes to Title I, Canon 17 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Membership
2024-D008 Protection of Water “Ola i Ka Wai - Water is Life” 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Environment, Human Rights
2024-A050 Publishing and Sharing Resources for Disability Access and Inclusion 17 - Accessibility and Inclusion Disabled Persons
2024-D032 Raising the Clergy Mandatory Retirement Age to 75 19 - Title III: Ministry Aging, Canons, Clergy Deployment
2024-A016 Reaffirm and Commit to the Goal of a Permanent Location of an Archives for the Episcopal Church 12 - Agencies and Boards Archives
2024-A067 Rebranding the Parochial Report 08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives Parochial Reports
2024-A010 Recognition of Apartheid in Israel/Palestine 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-D071 Recognize Interim Standing Committee of the Diocese of Haiti 03 - Governance and Structure Dioceses, Structure
2024-D024 Recommending Use of Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers 08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives Church Property
2024-A147 Referring Lay Disciplinary Canon Issue to Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Canons, Discipline
2024-A166 Registration of Firearms; Licensing of Firearm Sellers, Buyers, and Users; Use of Taggants 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Gun Control, Weapons
2024-D006 Rejecting the Theology and Politics of Christian Zionism 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Middle East
2024-C026 Religious Liberty 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Religious Freedom
2024-A151 Removal from the Consent Calendar in the House of Deputies 01 - Rules of Order/HOD General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-A033 Renew ECCAR 05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing Racism, Reconciliation
2024-D074 Renouncing the Theology of Slavery held by the Rev. James Craik, 11th President of the House of Deputies 05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing Racism, Reconciliation
2024-A070 Research Needs for the General Board of Examining Chaplains 19 - Title III: Ministry Ordination Process
2024-A152 Resolution Submission Deadline in House of Deputies Rules of Order 01 - Rules of Order/HOD General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-D050 Resolution to Complete the Journey to Net Carbon Neutrality by 2030 15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation Environment
2024-D013 Resolving the Conflict between Israel and the Palestinian People 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-D047 Response to the Crisis in Sudan and Support for the Episcopal Church of Sudan 04 - World Mission International Relations, Peace, Public Policy
2024-D002 Review Canonical Requirement for Holy Communion 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Baptism, Canons
2024-C008 Review Diocesan Assessments 03 - Governance and Structure Program, Budget and Finance
2024-A144 Review the Application of Canons I.17.5 and III.1.2 17 - Accessibility and Inclusion Diversity
2024-A160 Revise Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Book of Common Prayer, Inclusive Language, Liturgy
2024-A101 Revise DHP Pricing Structures for Equitable Access 12 - Agencies and Boards Employee Benefits, Health Care
2024-D036 Sacrament of Healing within the Context of Worship Services 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Health, Liturgy
2024-C021 Second General Convention Reading to add Élie Naud, Huguenot Witness to the Faith, 1722, to Lesser Feasts and Fasts 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar, Lesser Feasts/Fasts
2024-A002 Site for the 83rd General Convention 03 - Governance and Structure General Convention
2024-D005 Solidarity with the Palestinian Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions Movement 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Middle East, Socially Responsible Investment
2024-A065 Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons 19 - Title III: Ministry Canons, Diversity, Equality
2024-B007 Standing Committees and Ecclesiastical Authority 02 - Constitution and Canons Bishops, Dioceses
2024-A076 Strengthening of Churchwide Training in Mental Health First Aid 16 - Safety, Wellness and Mental Health Health
2024-D065 Study Canons on Canonical Residence 02 - Constitution and Canons Canons, Clergy Deployment
2024-A008 Study of Benefit Obligation Effects on Clergy and Lay Professional Deployment 12 - Agencies and Boards Church Pension Fund, Employee Benefits, Small Churches
2024-A146 Study of Lay Discipline for Elected and Appointed Offices 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Discipline
2024-A024 Study the Use of Non-Disclosure Agreements 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Safe Church, Sexual Misconduct
2024-D043 Support and Advocacy for Iraqi Christians 04 - World Mission Interfaith Relations, Religious Freedom
2024-D034 Support and Advocacy for Restorative Justice and a Moral Commitment to Abolition of Prisons and Policing 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Prisons, Public Policy, Racism, Reconciliation
2024-D062 Support and Solidarity with Armenia and Preventing further Genocide 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Ecumenism, International Relations
2024-D060 Support For a Solution to the Crisis in Haiti 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, International Relations
2024-D021 Support for Child Labor Protections 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Labor
2024-A028 Support for Freedom to Consider Ethical Issues in Investing 13 - Stewardship and Socially Responsible Investing Socially Responsible Investment
2024-D023 Support for the Association for Episcopal Deacons 19 - Title III: Ministry Clergy Education
2024-A085 Support for the Global Mission Advocates Network 05 - World Mission World Mission