2024-D070 |
Prayers for Haiti |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Dioceses |
2024-A154 |
Presubmission of Amendments in the House of Deputies |
01 - Rules of Order/HOD |
General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order |
2024-D073 |
Procedure for Reconciliation: Amend Canon 1.17.6 |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A078 |
Promote Equity and to Reduce Differences in Mental Health Outcome |
16 - Safety, Wellness and Mental Health |
Health |
2024-A034 |
Promoting Equitable Formation for Future Church Leaders through Dismantling Racism and Achieving Racial Justice and Healing Education in Seminaries and Schools of Theological Education |
11 - Formation and Discipleship |
Racism, Seminaries, Theological Education |
2024-A108 |
Proposal of Changes to Title I, Canon 17 |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Membership |
2024-D008 |
Protection of Water “Ola i Ka Wai - Water is Life” |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Environment, Human Rights |
2024-A050 |
Publishing and Sharing Resources for Disability Access and Inclusion |
17 - Accessibility and Inclusion |
Disabled Persons |
2024-D032 |
Raising the Clergy Mandatory Retirement Age to 75 |
19 - Title III: Ministry |
Aging, Canons, Clergy Deployment |
2024-A016 |
Reaffirm and Commit to the Goal of a Permanent Location of an Archives for the Episcopal Church |
12 - Agencies and Boards |
Archives |
2024-A067 |
Rebranding the Parochial Report |
08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives |
Parochial Reports |
2024-A010 |
Recognition of Apartheid in Israel/Palestine |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Human Rights, Middle East |
2024-D071 |
Recognize Interim Standing Committee of the Diocese of Haiti |
03 - Governance and Structure |
Dioceses, Structure |
2024-D024 |
Recommending Use of Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers |
08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives |
Church Property |
2024-A147 |
Referring Lay Disciplinary Canon Issue to Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Canons, Discipline |
2024-A166 |
Registration of Firearms; Licensing of Firearm Sellers, Buyers, and Users; Use of Taggants |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Gun Control, Weapons |
2024-D006 |
Rejecting the Theology and Politics of Christian Zionism |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Middle East |
2024-C026 |
Religious Liberty |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Religious Freedom |
2024-A151 |
Removal from the Consent Calendar in the House of Deputies |
01 - Rules of Order/HOD |
General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order |
2024-A033 |
Renew ECCAR |
05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing |
Racism, Reconciliation |
2024-D074 |
Renouncing the Theology of Slavery held by the Rev. James Craik, 11th President of the House of Deputies |
05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing |
Racism, Reconciliation |
2024-A070 |
Research Needs for the General Board of Examining Chaplains |
19 - Title III: Ministry |
Ordination Process |
2024-A152 |
Resolution Submission Deadline in House of Deputies Rules of Order |
01 - Rules of Order/HOD |
General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order |
2024-D050 |
Resolution to Complete the Journey to Net Carbon Neutrality by 2030 |
15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation |
Environment |
2024-D013 |
Resolving the Conflict between Israel and the Palestinian People |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Human Rights, Middle East |
2024-D047 |
Response to the Crisis in Sudan and Support for the Episcopal Church of Sudan |
04 - World Mission |
International Relations, Peace, Public Policy |
2024-D002 |
Review Canonical Requirement for Holy Communion |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Baptism, Canons |
2024-C008 |
Review Diocesan Assessments |
03 - Governance and Structure |
Program, Budget and Finance |
2024-A144 |
Review the Application of Canons I.17.5 and III.1.2 |
17 - Accessibility and Inclusion |
Diversity |
2024-A160 |
Revise Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Book of Common Prayer, Inclusive Language, Liturgy |
2024-A101 |
Revise DHP Pricing Structures for Equitable Access |
12 - Agencies and Boards |
Employee Benefits, Health Care |
2024-D036 |
Sacrament of Healing within the Context of Worship Services |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Health, Liturgy |
2024-C021 |
Second General Convention Reading to add Élie Naud, Huguenot Witness to the Faith, 1722, to Lesser Feasts and Fasts |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Church Calendar, Lesser Feasts/Fasts |
2024-A002 |
Site for the 83rd General Convention |
03 - Governance and Structure |
General Convention |
2024-D005 |
Solidarity with the Palestinian Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions Movement |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Middle East, Socially Responsible Investment |
2024-A065 |
Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons |
19 - Title III: Ministry |
Canons, Diversity, Equality |
2024-B007 |
Standing Committees and Ecclesiastical Authority |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Bishops, Dioceses |
2024-A076 |
Strengthening of Churchwide Training in Mental Health First Aid |
16 - Safety, Wellness and Mental Health |
Health |
2024-D065 |
Study Canons on Canonical Residence |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons, Clergy Deployment |
2024-A008 |
Study of Benefit Obligation Effects on Clergy and Lay Professional Deployment |
12 - Agencies and Boards |
Church Pension Fund, Employee Benefits, Small Churches |
2024-A146 |
Study of Lay Discipline for Elected and Appointed Offices |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Discipline |
2024-A024 |
Study the Use of Non-Disclosure Agreements |
18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons |
Safe Church, Sexual Misconduct |
2024-D043 |
Support and Advocacy for Iraqi Christians |
04 - World Mission |
Interfaith Relations, Religious Freedom |
2024-D034 |
Support and Advocacy for Restorative Justice and a Moral Commitment to Abolition of Prisons and Policing |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Prisons, Public Policy, Racism, Reconciliation |
2024-D062 |
Support and Solidarity with Armenia and Preventing further Genocide |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Ecumenism, International Relations |
2024-D060 |
Support For a Solution to the Crisis in Haiti |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Human Rights, International Relations |
2024-D021 |
Support for Child Labor Protections |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Labor |
2024-A028 |
Support for Freedom to Consider Ethical Issues in Investing |
13 - Stewardship and Socially Responsible Investing |
Socially Responsible Investment |
2024-D023 |
Support for the Association for Episcopal Deacons |
19 - Title III: Ministry |
Clergy Education |
2024-A085 |
Support for the Global Mission Advocates Network |
05 - World Mission |
World Mission |